Unable to Install Administration Console

Administration Console installation fails when services are unable to be started/restarted (end of the installation).

Home system: WHS 2011 Server with Avast! Server Business Protection Plus (SBPP) and six client Windows 7 computers with Avast! Business Protection Plus (BPP). The system was up and running with Administration Console (AC) functioning, then a couple days ago the AC quit reporting on all computers, even the server. Having just replaced the home router I assumed the problem was network related and thought it would be easier to just re-install the AC. Wrong! I’ve been unable to get the AC to re-install. I have done a complete uninstall along with all instances of SQL Server 2008 and Avast! SBPP and there is no sucess. Thankfully the SBPP on the server and all BPP on the Windows 7 machines seem to be functioning fine.

What seems to be the solution to have the installation of Administration Console complete?

In Control Panel, Delete:
avast! Server Business Plus
MS SQL Server 2008 R2
MS SQL Server 2008 R2 Native Client
MS SQL Server 2008 R2 Setup (English)
MS SQL Server 2008 Setup Support Files
MS SQL Server Browser
MS SQL Server VSS Writer
The above SQL entries are installed by the BPP installer but are left on the hard drive when it fails.

In Explorer, Delete:
Program Files/AVAST Software folder
Program Files/Microsoft SQL Server folder

Using Regedit, Delete:
HKLM/System/CurrentControlSet/Services/avast! Administration Console folder
HKLM/Software/avast! Software folder
HKCU/Software/avast! Software folder


Administrative Tools/Services, Check:
That the Avast! Administrator Console Service is no longer listed



What a pain in the butt!
