Unable to install Avast free antivirus. Keep getting this error

[2024-12-11 22:39:28.181] [error [repository ] [ 9024:11240] [8F8DC2: 87] Unable to create a directory ‘C: J
\Recovery\AutoApply\CustomizationFiles’ with error 0x00000003! [2024-12-11 22:39:28.181] [error J [avast-av 9024:11240] [568E39:3035] Execution of ‘class asw::repository::ActionCreateDirectory’ failed with:'3(3) [2024-12-12 00:19:49.956] [error [repository ] [ 8492:14264] [8F8DC2: 87] Unable to create a directory ‘C: \Recovery\AutoApply\CustomizationFiles’ with error 0x00000003! [2024-12-12 00:19:49.960] [error ]] [avast-av ] [ 8492:14264] [568E39:3035] Execution of ‘class asw::repository::ActionCreateDirectory’ failed with:'3(3) [2024-12-12 00:20:09.841] [error ] [avast-av ] [ 8492:14264] [568E39:3035] Execution of ‘class asw::repository::ActionRunProgram’ failed with:'4294967295(ffffffff) [2024-12-12 00:20:10.0791

Can anyone assist with this? Avast has always installed easily before

In the meantime have/had you installed another AV (if so it may be best to uninstall that first rather than disable) ?
What was the need to install Avast again ?

ActionRunProgram’ failed with:'4294967295(ffffffff) [2024-12-12 00:20:10.0791
No idea what this error number is, though given the Action Run Program. Though it looks like it may have got close to completion and trying to run Avast.

If so I would suggest downloading the off-line installation file of Avast Free
AVAST Offline Installation Files - Free: https://files.avast.com/iavs9x/avast_free_antivirus_setup_offline.exe

Given the error you have had it may be best to do a complete clean uninstall of Avast first.

Clean Reinstall - 1. - Download the avast! Uninstall Utility, avastclear.exe Avast Removal Tool | Download Avast Clear | Avast and save it to your HDD. Make a note of the steps required or print the page. Once done you can use the offline installation file to install again.

Arey you downloading from the official Avast website?
im no expert but when i see the word repository it usually means to me a file sharing site which cant be trusted.

Thanks, worked like a charm!

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You’re welcome.