Unable to install

Hi All,
I downloaded the Avast free antivirus software for Windows (I am on windows 8) and I could download the installation program fine, but when I try to run it, after clicking yes to allow it to make changes to my system, it gets stuck on the loading screen for about 5 minutes (with the blue bar moving across the screen), and then says “There was an error while completing the setup process”.

I have attached a text file with the log in case this is helpful. I know very little about computers and therefore it doesn’t mean much to me, other than it seems to have a problem downloading something. Therefore I would stress that my internet connection has been working reasonably well so I don’t think it would be that.

I’d be very grateful for any help you could provide so that I can use this product.

Kind Regards,

Have you removed previous used AV before installing avast? >> https://www.avast.com/faq.php?article=AVKB11#artTitle

If it still isn’t working after removing everything from any previous installed av,

  • Run avastclear
  • Try to install with the off-line installer

<Bolding mine>
Appears you were running the online installer so use the offline installer and disconnect from the internet when you do so, as you were having download issues according to your log you attached.

Many thanks for your answers. I should perhaps have mentioned in my post that I had never installed any avast product on my computer before this problem, and therefore do not think it is this.

I agree that it looks like a connectivity problem, but as mentioned in my post, this seemed strange as my internet was working fine at the time (I was using it for other things). I will try the offline installer (when I find it) but I’d be grateful if anyone could explain reasons why the online installer wouldn’t work despite having an OK connection.

Again, thanks for your help,

Regardless of having a good internet connection, it could be possible to hit a problem downloading from a server. If there is a hiccup then an element may not download or install correctly.

The off-line installation file when successfully downloaded shouldn’t suffer any of these hiccups during the install. You can keep that copy of the offline installation file should you need it in the future.

Offline installer can be found here: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=199715.0