Unable to login to banking site


I’m unable to login to my banking website since this morning (I was still able to login yesterday): https://retail.sc.com/sg/nfs/login.html

Avast Premium Security 21.3.2459 (build 21.3.6164.665) on my Windows laptop reported this as a Phishing site. Avast’s virus definitions is 210626-6. Also, AVG Antivirus Free (on my Android tablet) reported this as “Suspicious site found, https://retail.sc.com/sg/nfs/login.html has been reported as a malware site”.

However, I’m unable to find any reports of this URL as a phishing site on VirusTotal.

What is going on? I suspect this is a false positive.

Thank you.

Reporting Possible False Positive File or Website - https://www.avast.com/false-positive-file-form.php.

Thanks! Is this the same as the form for AVG? I’ve already reported the false positive using AVG’s form, and I’m wondering if I should also report to Avast.

Whilst it is a different form, the end result should be the same as AVG is part of Avast Software.

AVG also has its own support forum, which product are you using ?

I’m using Avast for my Windows laptop, and the AVG Antivirus app for my android tablet.

BTW, I just accessed the URL and there isn’t any alerts anymore. The virus definitions are 210627-4, newer than yesterday’s. So I guess Avast has fixed this.

Looks like it has been resolved then.