Unable to print Advanced Issues found. The system only giving option to sign up for free trial feels scammy

To the best of my ability I sought to contact SUPPORT or CONTACT US but since I’m not requesting a refund, the system says to look here for answers. Couldn’t find one so posting this.

Avast, you are so well thought of and recommended. Why are you making yourself look scammy by using the Scan and Advanced Issues to ONLY let me sign up for your free trial which I’m unable to do.
It’s too much trouble to have to cancel. Would I love to be able to just pay for this? You bet. Can I right now? No.

So why then can I not just print up the list to address these myself? Nope. You’re not allowing it. No formatting it to make it easy to print, nope. No copying and pasting allowed, you turned off that ability. To me, only a company that didn’t have a valuable product people wanted would resort to such low scammy tactics to get someone to sign up.

Could you PLEASE change this? It’s ridiculous. We should be able to at the very least copy and past the issues. OK, well it’s retyping it then…gee thanks. You’re not off to a great start with me.

First, I’m an Avast user and not an Avast Team member.

Can you be a little more detailed about the ‘Unable to print advanced issues found’ are ?

What were you doing at the time, I suspect you ran a Smart Scan ?
The smart scan reports issues it considers weaknesses, but then throws up a solution another Avast Product for a price. You could do a screen print saved as an image and attached to your post.