Unable to register Avast! Free due to shrinking window

As the title says. I am unable to register Avast. When I click on the “Register Now” button, a window pops up with the register option or upgrade option. I click on the gray register button and smaller window opens in which I am supposed to input my details.

However, the second I move the mouse, or try to type something, the window shrinks until it is no longer shown on screen. I then have to open the task manager and close Avast for the program to respond again. Once Avast is closed via the task manager, another task titled “AVAST! FREE ANTIVIRUS REGISTRATION” appears which also has to be manually ended.

Anyone know of a fix for this?

FWIW I’m running Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

Try a repair of avast through programs and features.

we had a similar report before, do you happen to have some program which manipulates with the appearance in Windows?

Yes, I have Windowblinds 7. However, I have excluded AvastUI.exe from being skinned by it, but the problem persists with any window that is popped up by Avast.

Hi, have you tried to restart AvastUI.exe process after adding it to the exclusion list in Windowsblinds?

  1. Disable self-defense module in avast!
  2. kill AvastUI.exe process through Task Manager
  3. run AvastUI.exe
  4. Enable self-defense module again.

Pavel Sedina

or simply reboot the system :wink:

As I said, that doesn’t change things. However, I’ve been contacted by QA and who say a fix for this problem should be included in a future Avast update.