My Avast scan is showing a Trojan horse infecting my machine(XP Professional). I follow the on-screen instructions and select “move to vault”.Despite doing this, on re-scanning it states I’m still infected. I’ve repeated the scan numerous times, each time it re-appears.
I’ve tried deleting rather than moving to the vault…still no joy. I have also turned off System Restore in case this affected the removal. Can anyone help?
What is the name and location of the Trojan?
Have you done a boot time scan with avast?
[Right click the avast! globe and select Start avast! Antivirus.
avast! will do a memory scan: if it finds the Trojan in memory, it will prompt you to do a boot time scan: accept this and reboot.
If avast! doesn’t find anything in memory, schedule a boot time scan. (Click the button at the top left of the avast! silver console and select Schedule boot time scan from the drop-down menu.)]
Greetings Frank and thanks for reply.
Followed your instructions, nothing found in memory,then did the boot scan. After boot ended, all that happened was the screen reverted to normal, no information about result of scan--------nothing. i’m just as confused. Did I do anything incorrectly?
Hi Andy,
If avast! finds a virus, Trojan etc during a boot time scan (with the blue screen) scanning stops and you are presented with some options: move, repair, delete etc. The scan does not restart until you select an option. While the scan is in progress, the files being scanned will flash up on the blue screen.
The full scan will take probably 30 minutes plus on even a small hard drive and much longer on a bigger or fuller one.
I seem to remember that results are presented at the end before the computer reboots, but if the scan happened as above, and didn’t stop to alert you to a virus etc, it seems that avast! didn’t find anything.
If you problrm occurs again, it is vital that you record the name of the Trojan and the pathway to the file location, eg C:\windows\system32\eviltrojan.exe.
Hi Frank and,guess what? Despite the boot scan just stopping,when I ran a “thorough” scan just now , it has come up clear.
Obviously you are correct, if after the boot, nothing is shown,that must signify nothing found. I don’t know where the Trojan is gone but it seems to have vanished. Perhaps, somehow I cleared it unknowingly when I clicked quarantine.
Anyway pal thanks for your help and patience.
Glad to help.
There are some steps you can take to avoid Trojan infection. (You may well be doing this already, if so, please ignore this advice.)
If you haven’t already you will need to:
- get a firewall
- ensure your OS and browser are up to date with the latest patches
If you need any advice about firewalls or updates, please come back and ask!
There is also a very good free Trojan scanner available: good for a double check!