unable to run boot scan

Hello every one,
I hope I am posting in the correct place.

I am unable to run a boot scan, I schedule it, I reply yes to restart now, all goes well till Avast comes up, then I get a message

“keyboard error”

Avast is unable to to scan.

0 items scanned
0 files scanned
0 items found
Avast will now continue to boot.

I am confused by this error, I have tried 3 different keyboards, which all work efficiently for any other task, I have changed usb ports, 3 times, I have uninstalled the drivers for each different keyboard.

I have completed 2 thourough scans this week with 1 result, a minor risk trojan, in system 32.

However there are 2 files in system 32 driver folder, they are locked and unable to be scanned, I have searched on Google and there are many enquires about these files “fixdot. dat. fixdot.in???”

Seems there is a family of them, However most of the items I have read consider these to be Microsoft files. I have no idea when they were installed, Microsoft continually download files and who knows whaich are which?

I have currently a dual channel system, and have tried to scan each one in boot, using the arrow keys for the default, then the second time using the keys for the other drive, No! num lock not on.

However I am unable to perform any boot scan.

I have only 23 running processes at start up. One is my Wacom Tablet, which has an exe file in startup common files, and another "tablet.dat.exe "in system 32 file folder, However this is a read only file. I have asked people I know if their Wacom files are in system 32 and they all are.

Should I uninstall Avast to see if the files have been corrupted? my pc runs fast, shuts down fast, restarts fast, and I clean my cache, cookies, usage tracks and run Adaware, ZoftspySe and Regcure daily.Avast is on start up, and also Zone Alarm .

I would apreciate any help anyone can give me, as I am very conscious of of malware, and I know some viruses will not allow boot to be scanned.

Use a PS2 keyboard, or check your bios settings and enable “usb legacy support” or “support usb keyboard in dos”.
You have to check your motherboards manual to see where it is located and how it is exactly called.