Unable to run Disk Cleanup after running Avast virus scan

After I downloaded AVAST and ran a virus scan, I could not run my disk cleanup program. Does AVAst some how lock my files? I uninstalled Avast and the Desk Cleanup program work normally.

avast just scan and never ‘lock’ programs, unless, they’re somehow infected and then, of course, it’s not a good idea to run them. Was the program blocked or an error message appear? Which is your Windows?

Why won’t your disk cleanup not work, what aer the symptoms ?

Is avast detecting it or doesn’t it run ?

As Tech mentions avast doesn’t block, but scans and alerts to infection if detected.

Symptoms: Disk Cleanup display is on screen and shows it has started but the green filler doesn’t progress any further along the path. The Task Manager shows that the Disk Cleanup program is running but I have let it run for up to ten minutes with no change, I. e. it is frozen. Appears to be unable to access the files.

Is the avast icon rotating ?
What is the CPU usage and what process is using the most ?

Is this the windows disk cleanup or another third party application ?

Which is you Standard Shield sensitivity level? High or Normal?