Hey All! I am needing help and be warned I am don’t know anything about computers at all. I have searched the forums here and see alot of conversation about the trojan Win32.
Avast kept popping up with the warning that my system, or active memory had been infected by Win32: Trojan-gen {other}. I tried to understand the directions here and I am sure I did not do this right. Well I ran a virus scan in safe mode and could not delete or repair the files. I ran a scan again and I have the following files that can not be repaired, deleted, moved, renamed…nothing… ??? It gave me the file names that needed fixed and still could not get it fixed or removed.
Could these files be the ones infected???
What is my next step for getting this cleared up? I tried going VirusTotal to have the files scanned and it comes up with absolutely nothing. Like the files don’t exist. ???
Again, keep in mind I don’t know how to do alot of what you all show here…so please use layman’s terms…