Unable to update avast! Free Antivirus


After having a super great experience with avast! 5, I am moving most of my friends and relatives over to this excellent software. I have never had any issues with avast! update functionality before. On 30th March 2010 I installed avast! Free Antivirus (build 5.0.462) on a brand new Dell Vostro 1520, Windows 7 Home Basic 32-bit. This machine did not come with any sort of trial or licensed antimalware/firewall solution. I disabled Windows Defender and proceeded with installation of avast!. The installation went smooth. I did a custom install and installed only File System, Web and Network shields. A few minutes after the install, avast! gave its ‘green’ update successful notification. For the following few days this machine was not connected to the internet. This machine was put online again on 7th April 2010, IN A DIFFERENT TIMEZONE. Its still in the same timezone and will remain so for a full year. Since then avast! has been unable to update. Here’s what I have done so far -

  1. Triggered a manual update - nothing happens, i.e. no error messages, it just doesn’t update.
  2. Downloaded the offline update file and launched it - got an error message with an error code (will report that if required).
  3. Booted in safe-mode, ran the avast! uninstall utility, rebooted, installed avast!, rebooted, waited for an hour for the update, triggered a manual update - no update received.

I am at a loss now. I repeat that this machine never had any sort of antimalware or firewall utility. Any ideas?

You can try to:
-run the uninstall utility in safe mode again.
-install the latest build from scratch. http://files.avast.com/files/beta/5.0.499/setup_av_free.exe

I don’t feel comfortable with BETA builds, especially on systems that I don’t personally own :). Any servers I can ping and check?

If you don’t feel comfortable with the pre-release, just don’t install it - you can wait some time, as the stable version will be out soon. :slight_smile:
why and what do you want to ping and check ???

I wanted to ping the avast! update servers from the machine in question to check connectivity issues. I remember the update server IPs being displayed in some thread, just not able to find that thread anymore.

All servers for updates can be found in the servers.def file.
But there are many of them, don’t know if you want to ping them all… :wink:

Thanks for the info. Will try to ping at-least a bunch of them.


same problem; stuck on virus definition 1000401-0 since installation of AVAST 5.0.462 on April, 11.
First, I made an install over AVAST 4 and windows screamed that the antivirus was obsolete. Thus I tried to update manually but AVAST states that it is the last up-to-date virus definition.
I made a complete uninstall and re-install but no way.
I am Vista Biz 64bits. Seems like I am the third person to report this problem on the forum; the other one having posted in French yesterday or the day before.
Thanks to help


You’re welcome…! And happy pinging… :wink:

Please use this first: http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility
Then download the latest build here: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=58183.0
Install & enjoy… :slight_smile:

sorry no change. I tried also with beta (5.0.499).
by the way, I got the following error message when trying to update the virus definition database from the manual donwload (vpsupd.exe):

-------START QUOTE-------------

Can’t install VPS update. Please, report following errorcodes:
ver: 5.0.462
SI: 0x00000002
LE: 0x00000000

-------END QUOTE------

When trying to update from the uninstall panel, I got the following traces:

-------START QUOTE-------------
13.04.2010 09:59:38 general: Started: 13.04.2010, 09:59:38
13.04.2010 09:59:38 general: Running setup_ais-1f3 (499)
13.04.2010 09:59:38 system: Operating system: Windows Vista ver 6.0, build 6002, sp 2.0 [Service Pack 2] x64
13.04.2010 09:59:38 system: Memory: 69% load. Phys:1259344/4188112K free, Page:4194303/4194303K free, Virt:2026072/2097024K free
13.04.2010 09:59:38 system: Computer WinName: YYYYYY
13.04.2010 09:59:38 system: Windows Net User: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
13.04.2010 09:59:38 general: Cmdline: /uninstwiz
13.04.2010 09:59:38 general: Old version: 1f3 (499)
13.04.2010 09:59:38 registry: Deleted registry: Software\Alwil Software\Avast\5.0\UpdateReady
13.04.2010 09:59:38 system: Using temp: C:\Users\XXXXXXX\AppData\Local\Temp_asw_aisI.tm~a06204 (53966M free)
13.04.2010 09:59:38 general: SGW32AIS::CheckIfInstalled set m_bAlreadyInstalled to 1
13.04.2010 09:59:38 general: DldSrc set to inet
13.04.2010 09:59:38 internet: SYNCER: Agent=Syncer/5.00 (ais-499;p)
13.04.2010 09:59:38 system: Computer DnsName: ZZZZZZZZZZZZ
13.04.2010 09:59:38 system: Computer Ip Addr: RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
13.04.2010 09:59:38 system: Installed in: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5 (53966M free)
13.04.2010 09:59:38 internet: SYNCER: Type: no proxy
13.04.2010 09:59:38 internet: SYNCER: Auth: no authentication
13.04.2010 09:59:38 package: Part prg_ais-1f3 is installed
13.04.2010 09:59:38 package: Part vps_win32-10040901 is installed
13.04.2010 09:59:38 package: Part setup_ais-1f3 is installed
13.04.2010 09:59:38 package: Part jrog-91 is installed
13.04.2010 09:59:38 general: LoadState: Edition=1
13.04.2010 09:59:38 general: Old version: 1f3 (499)
13.04.2010 09:59:38 file: SetExistingFilesBitmap: 360->98->98
13.04.2010 09:59:38 general: GUID: e2217336-b31d-43fb-a8d1-36cced09d56a
13.04.2010 09:59:39 general: Server definition(s) loaded for ‘main’: 284 (maintenance:0)
13.04.2010 09:59:39 general: SelectCurrent: selected server ‘Download751 AVAST5 BETA Server’ from ‘main’
13.04.2010 09:59:39 internet: SYNCER: Type: no proxy
13.04.2010 09:59:39 internet: SYNCER: Auth: no authentication
13.04.2010 09:59:52 internet: SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
13.04.2010 09:59:52 internet: SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
13.04.2010 09:59:54 general: progress thread start
13.04.2010 09:59:56 internet: Used server: http://download751.avast.com/test5beta
13.04.2010 09:59:56 file: GetFileWithRetry: servers.def.vpx downloaded .
13.04.2010 09:59:57 general: Server definition(s) loaded for ‘main’: 284 (maintenance:0)
13.04.2010 09:59:57 general: SelectCurrent: selected server ‘Download690 AVAST5 BETA Server’ from ‘main’
13.04.2010 09:59:57 internet: SYNCER: Type: use IE settings
13.04.2010 09:59:57 internet: SYNCER: Auth: another authentication, use WinInet
13.04.2010 09:59:58 internet: Used server: http://download690.avast.com/test5beta
13.04.2010 09:59:58 file: GetFileWithRetry: prod-ais.vpx downloaded .
13.04.2010 09:59:58 file: prod-ais.vpx not changed, 1270839445/0
13.04.2010 09:59:58 package: LoadProductVpu: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\Setup\prod-ais.vpx
13.04.2010 09:59:58 package: LoadPartInfo: jrog = jrog-91 returned 00000000
13.04.2010 09:59:58 package: LoadPartInfo: program = prg_ais-1f3 returned 00000000
13.04.2010 09:59:58 package: LoadPartInfo: setup = setup_ais-1f3 returned 00000000
13.04.2010 09:59:58 package: LoadPartInfo: vps = vps_win32-10040901 returned 00000000
13.04.2010 09:59:58 package: LoadProductVpu: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\Setup\prod-ais.vpx ended with 00000000
13.04.2010 10:00:09 internet: SYNCER: Type: no proxy
13.04.2010 10:00:09 internet: SYNCER: Auth: no authentication
13.04.2010 10:00:15 general: progress thread start
13.04.2010 10:00:15 internet: HttpGetWinsock(http://download690.avast.com/test5beta/servers.def.vpx)
13.04.2010 10:00:17 internet: Used server: http://download690.avast.com/test5beta
13.04.2010 10:00:17 file: GetFileWithRetry: servers.def.vpx downloaded .
13.04.2010 10:00:18 general: Server definition(s) loaded for ‘main’: 284 (maintenance:0)
13.04.2010 10:00:18 general: SelectCurrent: selected server ‘Download658 AVAST5 BETA Server’ from ‘main’
13.04.2010 10:00:18 internet: SYNCER: Type: no proxy
13.04.2010 10:00:18 internet: SYNCER: Auth: no authentication
13.04.2010 10:00:18 internet: HttpGetWinsock(http://download658.avast.com/test5beta/prod-ais.vpx)
13.04.2010 10:00:19 internet: Used server: http://download658.avast.com/test5beta
13.04.2010 10:00:19 file: GetFileWithRetry: prod-ais.vpx downloaded .
13.04.2010 10:00:19 file: GetNewerStampedFile:buf.st_size == 0 on C:\Users\XXXXXXXXXXXXXX\AppData\Local\Temp_asw_aisI.tm~a06204\onefile
13.04.2010 10:00:19 package: Tried to download prod-ais.vpx but failed with error 0x00000002
13.04.2010 10:00:19 general: Err:Le fichier spécifié est introuvable.

-------END QUOTE------

I made a try with “direct connection (no proxy)” and with “automatic detection (IE settings)”.

Thx to help

It is a known and un-addressed issue that ANY change in computer time for ANY reason results in definitive impossibility to update version 5 properly.
I have tried any possible method (even cleaning manually every registry key I can identify) but I finally gave up and re-install 4.8.
Maybe one day somebody in Avast team will solve that. Maybe.

I agree, it is an issue that doesn’t go away, as I reported in this thread.
Humbly request that you stop telling people with this updating issue to run the beta, “and then we’ll talk”.
Some of us aren’t interested in betas, the changelog didn’t say anything about addressing this issue, and who has installed and ran the beta and it fixed their updating problem?
I don’t feel as though you are passing along valid advice, and I’d like to see someone respond besides you telling us to install the beta.

Well, I would advise the beta as well.

As a matter of fact, it is not a beta in the truest sense of the meaning. It is a pre-release of the next update version which includes bugfixes. And the curren 5.0.504 also adresses update problems: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=58183.msg490305#msg490305

So, yes, I would recommend the beta as it is more an update than a beta.

Well, all semantics and “truest sense of the meaning” explanations aside, if the build is being made available for public testing, and the filename has the word “beta” in it, then that’s how I look upon it.

Thanks for your input, however. :slight_smile:

I fully understand your point there. Did not want to concince you to download and install, just to make my point about the “beta” here. Normally, “beta” marks a completely new development available for testing which in this case is not really true.

If there are problems that can not be solved by other means - why not try the beta. Things can’t get worse than a non-working application, or an they? ::slight_smile:

Anyway it will be the officially released version soon, so there is no need to argue about anything, and I do see the point you are making as well. More or less a question of personal decision I should think.

Have a nice day
Zyndstoff 8)

The files are stored in the beta area area of avast!'s servers but it is a New pre-release build of avast [NOW 5.0.504] as indicated by Vlk’s post

Hi *,

we’ll soon be releasing a new build of avast 5 Free/Pro/IS. As usual, we’re making the build available for public testing before it’s officially released (so far the version number is 5.0.504).


So this release addresses several issues

And new in 5.0.504

  • Pro AV / IS: solved a compatibility issue with Acronis True Image
  • IS firewall: fixes for Internet Connection Sharing
  • IS firewall: Windows 2000 compatibility
  • IS firewall: solved a compatibility problem with Logitech Desktop Manager
  • various fixes in the Outlook antispam add-in
  • fixes in ashUpd.exe
  • no crashing of AvastUi.exe anymore

This is a New pre-release build and should be installed if you are having a problem with avast!

Go to PROFILE then Modify Profile then Forum Profile Information then then update your Signature: with information like my signature as this helps the helpers offer pertinent advice.

I upgraded to v5.0.507 on one machine and will get the other one shortly.
I will definitely report back to this thread as to whether or not this updating issue gets fixed.
To reiterate, the only real problem has been with trying to manually update when I know that an update is available.
In most cases, that has been impossible, and only a reboot (sometimes) fixes it, or a day change (always) will install the new day’s update.


just to inform that since I moved to 5.0.507, i have no more concern regarding the virus database update.
Thanks to all of you


Thanks a lot for your feedback…!! Good to read it’s solved now… :slight_smile: