Uncompressing all zip files to C:\WINDOWS\Temp\_avast4_ it never stops!

I was a Avast 4 user and now when I unistalled this software nightmare starts. I installed new USB backup disk I keeping there compressed backup files (about 500GB), somehow ghosts of avast are uncompresseing those files to C:\WINDOWS\Temp_avast4_ it consume all space on hard disk, when I delete those files process repeats. I cant use my computer because of this @#$@ software. It’s worst than a virus!

Unfortunately I have bought Avast 6 for my laptop too :frowning:

I was trying to use Avast uninstall software, kaspersky uninstaller. I tryied to install Avast 6 and unistall (doesn’t help). I’m stuck… Please help! I prommies that I never will use this software again :wink:

My system is Windows 7 x64 Pro


Hi if you uninstalled Avast then it will not be doing anything period

Did you use the Avast uninstall utility ?

First the C:\WINDOWS\Temp_avast4_ is where avast unpacks archives that ‘you asked it to scan.’ So don’t have your on-demand scans scan archives (a waste of time) as they are inert by nature.

Second, when the scan is successfully completed, then that C:\WINDOWS\Temp_avast4_ folder should be cleared.

Third avast doesn’t just initiate scans of its own accord and if you have successfully uninstalled avasts there should be no ghost running scans. So we are basically at the how did you uninstall avast 4.x ?

Avast 6 doesn’t use the avast4 folder for its scans, but uses C:\WINDOWS\Temp_avast_ depending on how you installed avast6.

A clean install would be best for making such a large jump in program versions and what you should do now:

  • Download the latest version of avast, 6.0.1000 and save it to your HDD, somewhere you can find it again (if you didn’t save your last download). Use that when you reinstall.

  • Download the avast! Uninstall Utility, aswClear5.exe find it here and save it to your HDD (it has uninstall tools for both 4.x and 6.0.x).

    1. Now uninstall avast! (using add remove programs, if you can’t do that start from the next step), reboot.- 2. run the avast! Uninstall Utility from safe mode, first for 4.x if previously installed and then for 6.0, once complete reboot into normal mode.- 3. install the latest version, reboot.
I was trying to use Avast uninstall software, kaspersky uninstaller.
what are you uninstalling....avast or kaspersky..... ???

@Pounds Kaspersky have software that helps uninstall other antyvirus software. After failing with aswClear I tryied other software to get rid of Avast.

ahaaa…like this

Ultimate List of Uninstallers http://uninstallers.blogspot.com/

I unistaled Avast 4 about 10 months ago (since then I’m using G-Data), I used standar unistall option, everything looks fine untill I installed my USB disk where I’m backuping my work (ziped files). Since then in Temp directory some ghost avast4 starts to apears. I was looking for some weird process or windows registry I cant find anything thats look like avast process. I was trying awsClear (in safe mode) It doesn’t help at all, I installed avast 6 (I was hoping that it will uninstall or overwrite avast 4) uninstall etc…

Avast is not scannig it’s just unpack those zip files and do nothing (well there is no such proces like avast or similar).

This thread makes about zero sense. Uninstalled avast! does not uncompress anything there - are 10 months old avast! zombies going after you at night? :o Kindly check your %TEMP% and %TMP% variables and find out what is really uncompressing stuff there.

If you have been using GData, whilst it uses avast as one of its two engines, how they employ it is quite different to the standard avast User Interface, especially in avast 6. Now I don’t know anything about GData, so I don’t know how it would be fully removed, I don’t know if there would be any tool either at GData or at the link given by Pondus in Reply #5.

So your nightmares weren’t related to avast 4.8 that you had previously installed but by GData and how it used the avast AV engine, etc.

Obviously the avast uninstall tool would be somewhat useless in installing what GData installs.