Unencrypt Quarantined Files or Bypass "files can't be restored" error!

Hi everyone!

Is there a way to bypass “## files can’t be restored” or a way to manually unencrypt the files in the quarantine chest? I feel like I may be out of luck though because I didn’t change the quarantine directory maximum size before I ran the scans so I feel like it probably just deleted the files.

I just threw Avast Free Antivirus on one of my extra small laptops I use for lab/security testing purposes and didn’t add in a recent Capture The Flag storage directory when I ran an “on-boot” scan as well as a full system scan.

Looking at the index file that references the quarantined items in the chest directory (C:\ProgramData\Avast Software\Avast\chest) I see that in one of the file’s information it shows: no

Here is a snippet of the chest index file output:

00000056 2713568 00000003 1725136071 macro-docs\Advanced Potion Making for Housewives.doc C:\Users\kirkedcarter\Desktop\ctf_naehamcon_2024\downloads\macro_madness\macro-docs-2024-5-22.zip Script:SNH-gen [Drp] Vir no 1725136071 34816 Script:SNH-gen [Drp]|SNH-11677AFBB32232572FBACC-04|troj;A8d0b39a49bfc

As I think through the size of the files that could have been in this directory, I assume that these files were deleted and thus can not be restored. If anyone has any advice as I was planning on reviewing these CTF artifacts.


  • Kirk

If a file cannot be restored to the original location (which is normal in some cases, e.g. when the file was originally stored in an archive or email), you should be able to use the “Extract” option which asks you where to put that file.