Just got a charge on my Visa card. I have installed and used Avast free version for years. Still have 237 days remaining on current version. Here is the entry on my bank account
07/29/2018 Dri*avast Software 8557453255 Mn1 $53.61 Is this a scam or what? Thanks for help.
→ https://support.avast.com/article/24/ (Orders/Renewals/Refunds)
Thx for response BUT NOTE I am running Avast FREE
You might well be running avast free, but have you used a trial (normally 60 days) of the Avast Internet Security program?
Or any other paid version of an Avast product ?
If so can you recall every giving your payment details as there would a payment mandate setup for when the trial ends and subsequent automatic annual renewal.
DavidR — I have setup sister’s computer and MAY have installed PAID version of Avast. That would not have been recent though. She has also been using using FREE Avast for about a year. I am not at her location to check her license info. Since the charge shows on MY Visa account, wouldn’t Avast be able to verify the billing? The $53.61 does not match the cost of Paid Avast, anyway. Thx.
As an avast user, like yourself, I’m just trying to figure out how it would be possible to bill you without someone having given the payment details. Some use a trial version, having completed the payment mandate, but they don’t cancel that payment mandate.
As for not matching the cost of the paid version, that would rather depend on the pricing at the time (if there was a discount), it could be different.
DavidR— You’re right, it turns out I DID purchase the paid upgrade 3 years ago for my sister’s machine. Right now, she is using the free version so I’ll find the activation code and install the upgrade. Thanks for your help.
You’re welcome.