I get the unexpected kernel mode trap ONLY when my children use their account. I suspect it is due to the Family Safety program. But Microsoft community say it is due to Avast.
Got a BRAND NEW computer. SAME problem. ONLY with kids Family Safety Accounts. Without the Family Safety Account set, it NEVER crashes.
My both my older Dell XPS 18 and brand new Leveno Flex 20 runs on Windows 8.1, and Sony Tap 20 runs on Windows 8.1 pro. ALL THREE machines have the same problem. ONLY with Kids Family Safety Accounts. ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS NEVER CRASHES.
What exact version of avast?
What is the exact error on the BSOD?
I am experiencing this error on Windows 8.1 as well, on children accounts with Family Safety on.
Avast Premium 2014.9.0.2021
“Unexpected Kernel mode trap” , then it start a % counter “collecting data.”
then reboots.
BTW, my Windows 7 Pro Asus slate does not crash. even with my family safety turned on and Avast installed.
My search in windows community have the same problems. People found solution by uninstalling Avast.
I had the same problem until yesterday, but was able to pinpoint it to AVAST Pro only. It does not happen with AVast Free.
Situation: Windows 8.1 Pro, one kids account with Family Safety on (incl. Web filtering), another (admin) account without Family Safety. After Installation of AVAST Pro 30-Day-Trial (on oct 6th) I had spurious BSOD Unexpected_Kernel_Trap as described above (up to 4 a day) ONLY if using the kids account.
On a 2nd laptop with identical hardware and software, but using AVAST FREE, there were no problems at all.
Using Microsoft “Driver Verifier” with the settings as described in http://www.techsupportforum.com/forums/f299/bsod-0x7f-ntoskrnl-exe-153fa0-whie-playing-game-870850.html , I was able to provoke the BSoD every time I logged in to the kids account. It never happed with the admin account.
So I downlevelled the Trial-Version of AVAST Pro back to AVAST Free (using the builtin downlevel feature), and the BSODs were gone. So that is the solution for me - sticking to Avast Free.
@AVAST: This should give sufficient information to track down this bug in co-existence of MS Family safety and Avast Pro in the current version (oct 6th - Oct 19th)
I’m also experiencing this problem under the same conditions. It appears that the answer from Microsoft is to switch off Avast (or AVG) and use Windows Defender. see the following thread… http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows8_1-security/family-safety-causes-unexpectedkernelmodetrap-on/54a43bae-984f-4151-8987-ac511aaa70cc?page=1
Please will you guys urgently look into this matter?
Best you submit a ticket: https://support.avast.com/Tickets/Submit
The problem still hasn’t been resolved . Have bought 3 Premier licenses but due to Family Safety conflict can’t use 2 of them effectively. Come on guys - do something to solve this problem asap. One year later no solution found?
Ticket system has changed somewhat:
- simplified Submit ticket form - no more asking about the product, platform etc. Just write us your message. http://support.avast.com/support/tickets/new
See https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=177577.0 for more information. I don’t know how that would effect submission of possible FPs though.
OK Just use the Spanner and Screwdriver and the next window gives you the option to attach a file.
It depends on how you look at it, but you can also say that MS still hasn’t solved the problem.
It appears that the answer from Microsoft is to switch off Avast (or AVG) and use Windows DefenderSure... If you care stops because it has no fuel... Get a new car that has fuel... :(
Let’s see…
No problem - family safety + avast + Windows XP
No problem - family safety + avast + Windows 7
No problem - family safety + avast + Windows 10
Problem - family safety + avast + Windows 8.x
Guess where the problem really is…