How do I get rid of avast completly?
You can download the avast! removal tool from>>>
Why? Can’t we help you with your problem and you keep using avast? : ???
Okey I will give it a try. How can I prevent ALL avast operations pertaining to my Outlook Express email. My firewall is great for my email and that is what I want to use. Is this possible to do with avast? Also the instructions for avast are as clear as thick mud.
A firewall does not protect email (attachments), that is what av software is for.
But if you want to take the risk of getting infected through email, than it is your choice.
Disable the Internet mail provider and Avast will not scan your mail anymore.
Since you are using OE, you can also disable the Outllook/Exchange provider.
If the instructions for avast were written clearly and I could have found out how to disable the mail provider I would have done so without making a post requesting assistance. This reply is of absolutely no value nor of any help to me. XMAS where are you?
Do you want to use avast! Internet Mail provider with other email programs or not?
I use only Outlook Express, If there is an attachment included I delete without opening it and I block the sender. E mail is a big pain IMO. I am beginning to think I will get rid of this computer and spend more time fishing and playing golf. I am 74 years old and unwilling to change in many areas. Excuse my ranting on.
Clcik the blue ball (with the A in it)
This will open the on-access control panel.
There you can disable/enable providers.
Thank you for the simple instructions and accept my apology for my previous rudeness.
CTE, remember, we don’t think disabling the avast! email protection is a good idea.
In fact, it’s a very bad one. You’ll be unprotected to a very large number of infections.
Why don’t you let us help you to configure avast! and OE to work smoothly in your computer?
if you delete it out of the add and remove programs does it work?
Avast mail protection will not open my Google alert messages properly-other then that everything is working fine. How can this be corrected. Please provide simple clear instructions as I know almost nothing about computers.
What exactly do you want?
GMail does not work in your system or just the Notifier?
No this is not Gmail-Isn’t Gmail another form of email? Google Alerts are email updates of the latest relevant Google results (web, news, etc.) based on your choice of query or topic. monitoring a developing news story i.e
keeping current on a competitor or industry
getting the latest on a celebrity or event
keeping tabs on your favorite sports teams.
This notification is sent to you via your email account and it has a subject introduction header page which must be opened to read the complete story. The message does not include attachments.
So, it seems that you changed (or have to change) the Heuristic email settings of avast! addind this URL address to the permited ones.
Does an avast! pop-up message appear when you receive that email or not?
How can you be sure it’s avast! who is blocking the normal behavior? If you disable avast, can you receive that email?
Hello CTE,
Welcome to avast! forum
I think you joined the BEST forum of avast!
By the way, could you do me a favor ?
I think you may have better advices if you would write your software list using with avast like as me on your signature.
Thank you for your kindness
No Avast pop ups show. I did this “Right-click on “a” ball next to the clock,move mouse to Pause Providers and then select Standard Shield. Also don’t forget to resume it when you finish you task.” This should have temporary disable avast I think. Google alerts still remain incomplete opening.
I also need to uninstall Avast4 for similar reasons, so I hope a post here is close enough to the topic that it’s not a breach of etiquette.
Re. earlier posts, is aswClear.exe the current uninstaller, i.e. the successor to AvClear4.exe? Also, the advice to shut down the mail provider did not restore my email.
I’m running Win 2000 Pro, Outpost firewall, Firefox browser and Thunderbird mail program with 2 accounts on the same server via SMTP and POP3S. Finding that email was gone (mailer attempts to reach the server timed out), I switched off the Avast4 mail provider - no effect. I then looked at traffic logs on the firewall and my router. The firewall had switched to learning mode and was blocking Thunderbird, and ASHWEBSV.EXE, running in the Avast folder, seemed to be merrily chatting with numerous advertisers and data miners - without objection from the firewall which should have blocked those addresses. Accordingly, I used the Program Manager to shut down Avast4 as an application. Interestingly, not only did I not get email back. but ASHWEBSV.EXE continued to run… Further check of the firewall showed that both ASHWEBSV and AVAST.setup had become registered as partially allowed applications, which I don’t remember doing.
I’d like to persist with Avast4, but a complete uninstall seems the best move, pending advice as to what’s happening and what might be done about it. Or, prompt advice that Avast4 and my system are incompatible would save me wasting time and effort…
aswClear.exe is the uninstaller.
Do you mean the email account? It should not be deleted…
If you mean your inbox or infected messages, oh, that is an antivirus work: getting rid of them…
Did you uninstall through Control Panel > Add/Remove programs BEFORE using the uninstall tool as it’s posted in the site and in the forums?
Your system should not be incompatible with avast!, unless you have another antivirus installed in your sytem at the same time…