Uninstall webpage is being blocked by Hosts

Probably hpHosts is blocking the uninstall page part (with a red H). Why?

I have no problem.

What is the URL that is blocked?

This is OK for me:

My guess is hXXp://www.surveymonkey.com, which is running the survey, but since I don’t use HpHosts. So only NoScript initially blocking the survey script until I allow it.

It’s not NoScript. I’ve allowed everything temporarily in that page.
The red H is from HostMan. I’ll try to find which is being blocked.

It is this page isn’t it:


The only thing on that page is the surveymonkey thing DavidR showed (the survey is on the uninstall page too…) One of the hosts files must be blocking it…(can’t seem to find it in the hpHost database or MVP one…)

http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.txt → Can’t find it…
http://hosts-file.net/?s=www.surveymonkey.com → Not listed…


Please read HostsMan’s Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Hey! Why is HostsMan blocking my favorite website?!
A: HostsMan is just a Hosts file manager/editor. Edit your hosts file.

Q: Ok it’s not HostsMan’s fault but why is my favorite website blacklisted?
A: Well, you’ll need to ask to the Hosts file makers, they will be glad to help!