Uninstalling Cleanup killed some of my programs

Hi, after I uninstalled Cleanup on my PC, those programs that were put to sleep via Cleanup won’t start anymore. When I click on their exe file the system says that it can’t find the exe file. It’s bonkers.
e.g. my itunes. I tried to uninstall and reinstall it but after installation the problem stays the same. There is an exe file, but the system just doesn’t recognize it.

Please help!

P.S.: I really regret installing Avast Cleanup. Got sucked in by the trial period promise.


we are very sorry about the problems caused by our application.
If you could install Avast Cleanup Premium again, then you should be able to wake all applications directly from Speed up/Background & startup programs menu.

If not, there is a little bit complicated way to “wake” it manually by using Registry editor, Services and Task Manager:
1- Press Windows key and type regedit, click on it by the right mouse button and choose “Run as Administrator” from the popup menu, click Yes when User Account Control pop-up appears.
2- Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\itunes.exe, delete the key Debugger (if this was the only key/value there, it is possible to delete also the whole itunes.exe key).

3- Press Windows key and type services, click on it by the right mouse button and choose “Run as Administrator” from the popup menu, click Yes when User Account Control pop-up appears.
4- Find the iPod Service and double click on it.
5- Change the Startup type to Automatic and click Apply button
6- Click Start

7- Press Windows key and type Task Manager, click on it by the right mouse button and choose “Run as Administrator” from the popup menu, click Yes when User Account Control pop-up appears.
8- Click More details and switch to Startup tab.
9- Find iTunesHelper and click on it by the right mouse button and choose Enable from the popup menu.
10- Run iTunes

Thank you!

I am having the exact same issue except NONE of my pdf files are working now. I, too, wish I had never installed Clean Up. Ugh. I don’t even know what else isn’t working yet. And since my trial ended, I cannot get it to wake up. I seriously need these things for work. What a pain in the behind.

LOL! Just checked out my pdf files. My Acrobat Reader is another one of those programs that don’t work. I’m beyond mad.

I would love to fix this problem the easy way by re-installing Clean up and waking up all those programs but I no longer can because the trial period is up. And if you suggest that I should pay money for this travesty of a program I’d bite you. :wink:


If the Trial period is already over there is still a way how you can install Cleanup and wake up your programs.
You can do that by installing the Beta version from this topic: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=218622.0

It shall work to fix your issues.


To be fair, after my complaint I was contacted by the Avast support team and they offered a couple of solutions. So at least there’s that. 8)
In the meantime I tried the itunes fix above and tweaked it to wake all the unresponsive programs. Success!

Anyway, I really like Avast Internet Security, been using it for years without any problems and I’ll keep using it but as for Clean up, count me out.


I am really glad that you were able to get your programs back to the original state.

We apologize once more for the inconveniences caused by our Cleanup product and we are glad that despite this bad experience you are still willing to stick with our Internet Security product.

Thank you!

Zdravím. Měl jsem licenci pro Avast Cleanup pro pět počítačů. Licence skončila a já se chci zbavit programu který je už defacto nefunkční. Tam kde je o.systém Win. 7 není problém, ale kde mám ještě XP tak nejsem schopen uninstalace, poradíte mi prosím.

I agree!

I followed the procedure above and all worked until my recent Windows update when suddenly every debugger I had permanently deleted reappeared.

Getting them deleted again was straightforward but I guess there is no permanent deletion. What a PITA this programme is!