Unknown Error

Hi, I have recently upgraded to Windows XP from Windows ME. AVG Anti-Virus does not sem to work on XP, so I uninstalled it and installed Avast. All seems to work o.k. on Avast, except I get an UNKNOWN ERROR:- Application cannot load help file. C/program File/Alwil Software/Avast/English/Help/Checklist/Simple.chm Can you help please? Many Thanks

maybe try reinstalling avast…if problem persists…then get advices from all the brothers here… ;D

Hmm, there should be ChecklistSimple.chm, if I remember correctly. Are you sure the path is exactly as you wrote - i.e. Checklist/Simple.chm?
If you check the corresponding directory - is the file present or is it really missing? If it’s missing - maybe reinstalling/repairing avast from control panel could help.


This is a long shot, but what updates have you installed since upgrading to Window XP? Microsoft has released several updates (announced in these security bulletins: MS03-004, MS03-015, MS03-020, MS03-032, MS03-040, and MS03-048) that will break window.showHelp( ) if the updated Help Control found in patch 811630 has not been installed.

I have doubts as to whether this could be the cause of your problem, among others being that the issue raised by MS appears to be related to displaying help files not loading them. You didn’t mention under what circumstances the error occurs. I don’t know exactly what the Help Control does or doesn’t do, or how it reports the problem when it fails due to the missing patch. Last, I don’t know how avast! reacts in that situation nor what error it logs as a result. Thus, this is pure speculation on my part, but not a total leap of faith for me, to see a possible connection between your problem and the update issue.


Hi, Thank you all so much for your help. I have re-installed, and things appear to be o.k. now.

sarnie, welcome…this group is the best!!

Hornus may be right about updates…I have more trouble after I install them than I did before…wish Big Bill would clean up his act and do right!
sigh…maybe I can put that on my wish list :slight_smile:

again, welcome!
this group has saved my rear/and my computer many times…
