Unknown security test

I found this security test just a few seconds ago and test it saying my web browser is vulnerable for privacy leaks. I use Firefox for this test and they think my browser is vulnerable. Try testing it with Firefox and see if you guys have the same problem. :-\


Oh, I forgot to insert the link, sorry about that. Thanks for telling me. ;D


Amazing I got the exact same results with GreenBrowser.

I used firefox and got the same results ???


This is pretty odd, I send this link to Mozilla forum and they think that the test is a bit paranoid. Others said that I shouldn’t trust PCflank and use SOS and Shield Up for my testing. :slight_smile:

Yeah, I got a privacy warning there also, with Mozilla 1.7.8. In addition, they said that ports 21, 23, and 1080 were showing … this behind a software firewall and a router.

However, Steve Gibson’s test for those 3 ports showed them stealthed.

Sygate’s scan also shows those ports blocked (ie, stealthed). This scan got nothing except my OS and browser.

Same with Browser ID Junkbusters’ Scan. Just the user agent string and my ip show up. Not even any referrer info. And this is with Proxomitron bypassed for this test.

I smell something fishy. In the past month or two, I think I’ve taken several other tests that gave much more specific results, and always came up secure. This pcflank test (which I would have thought to be legit) just says, “Boo! I can see your underwear!” without giving much specific. Sounds like they mean it sends referrer information.

And I see recommendations for pay stuff. Under open ports, they suggest getting a firewall - and link to a pay version. Under the anti-trojans, more pay stuff … and under browser privacy, again, “get a firewall.”

I could well be wrong, but I think this is nothing to worry about. To be blunt, it looks like they’re trying to scare you into buying products so they’ll get a commission. Common tactic in many different situations.

Looks like you posted as I was writing this, Fixer, and that I may not be alone in my suspicions about this test’s accuracy …

Another person said that three of his ports are shown as well but there not the same ports as yours. Zone Lab, Mozilla, and now avast! should be aware that this might be a mess up scanner. :-\

I know pcflank for a long time. It’s far too paranoia. If you disable cookies, you get a green result. That’s all so don’t worry about pcflank.
Better test your browser with scanit.be

I don’t allow cookies (except for a few sites such as forum.avast, etc) and pcflank still warned about my browser (in addition to warning about 3 ports other tests confirm are blocked/stealthed). I’m not impressed with their test.

The Browser privacy thing happens if your firewall doesn’t block referer inforamtion: the browser tells the website which website you have just come from. The free version of Kerio doesn’t block this information, so I failed this test, but it’s not a big issue.

My firewall passed all port scanning tests: if they were scamming people, wouldn’t everybody fail?

Double check at Security Space:


You have to sign up, but they are the bee’s knees!

That’s quite paranoiac, indeed. Local proxy apps such as Proxomitron, Privoxy and Web Washer can deal with referrer but do we really need them at least only for concealing referrer?

BTW, FFrank, you may like Web Washer Classic since it’s icon is blue as well as Kerio and Avast! :wink:

Hi Umath,

Just like the artists, we now are entering our blue period of security programs.
Joke, it looks better on your start bar anyway.

Have a nice day,


I tried Web Washer for a while: it’s a good program, and I’m glad to see the free version is still available, but in the end, I didn’t think it was necessary. Firefox Adblock blocks ads well, and will block JavaScript if I want. And using a proxy is bound to have some effect on speed.

Using mvps.org’s hosts file also filters out a lot of c##p.

Plus there’s avast!'s webshield now as well.

So I’m happy with my two blue icons: the ball and the shield. :slight_smile:

Yes, I think it may be the referrer it was picking up on the privacy issue. I bypassed Proxomitron, and the version of TBE I’m using with Mozilla seems to be inconsistent in blocking referrer. For example, the tab-icon for the first avast forum page I visited has the referrer blocked icon, but the subsequent ones do not.

This can be also be set from about:config without using TBE, in Mozilla browsers. Filtre for network.http.sendRefererHeader and set to 0 to block, 1 for partial, and 2 for full referrer header (default). I seem to recall that 1 sent referrer for the same site, but I’m not sure. There’s a little on this at a Mozilla page. I had left it on default and made the settings in TBE.

However, that still doesn’t explain the issue with the three ports – which Symantec’s scan has also confirmed are stealthed. I could be wrong, but I think they’re not only a bit paranoid, but a bit inaccurate, also.

WebWasher is good, but I prefer Proxomitron, myself. Blocking ads is the least of what it does for me.