I think my laptop was infected by some kind of viruses (same issue with wan ahmad). When I inserted a flash drive, all of my files are gone, there will be 2 files appeared which is REMOVABLE DISK 7GB(Secured By Kaspersky Internet Security 2017).bat and readme.txt. when i click on the file REMOVABLE DISK 7GB(Secured By Kaspersky Internet Security 2017).bat ,a folder will appeared, named System Volume Information and it contained all of my files. Then, i put another drive and the same thing happens. I had formatted my drive but the files still appeared. I had also tried to scan my laptop, but it does not detect anything. What should i do? I really need your help. Thank you.
Here are the logs
But i still have another drive which may affected my laptop but it is not with me right now, i should have it on friday i guess. So, what should i do?
One more thing, how about my other thumb drive which is not with me right now, i may have it on friday perhaps. I guess that drive was the main reason how my laptop got affected. What should i do with it when i have it this friday?
Purge System Restore [/i]
Click Run button and wait a few seconds for the programme completes his work.
At this point all the tools we used here should be gone. Tool will create an report for you (C:[b]DelFix.txt[/b])
The tool will also record healthy state of registry and make a backup using ERUNT program in %windir%\ERUNT\DelFix
Tool deletes old system restore points and create a fresh system restore point after cleaning.