Unmasked Parasites - can it still be trusted (now Sucuri owned?).

See: https://urlhaus.abuse.ch/url/227681/
Consider 3 to detect and 1 with a spam alert: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/813679d5915ebafe185372d36f6228a4383758fc13ab3d49e9d5a8eb717d2fb8/detection
Now compare to unmasked parasite findings: https://www.UnmaskParasites.com/security-report/?page=terifaryd.com
or https://transparencyreport.google.com/safe-browsing/search?url=terifaryd.com
Two miserable fails, but blacklisted and correctly given and flagged here:
F-grade status: https://observatory.mozilla.org/analyze/terifaryd.com
95/100% malicious: https://zulu.zscaler.com/submission/db92f466-79dc-402a-9a76-dddba7e71598
90 % through searching existing blacklist…
13 hints for malcreants? → https://webhint.io/scanner/ecedcb40-84bf-4267-b040-6c7de4effb26
of which 5 security related.

polonus (volunteer 3rd part cold recon website security analyst & website error-hunter)

You could ask the same of many other takeovers.

Should AVG be trusted now it is owned by Avast :slight_smile:
Extreme example, but why should Unmask Parasites do anything different because it is now owned by Sucuri. If id did things differently wouldn’t that devalue it so why buy it. You could expand that further, if you feel Unmask Parasites shouldn’t be trusted because of this takeover, why then should we still trust Sucuri ?

There were services acquired by others and then ran into the ground. Not always the case however.
But remember what happened with HJT.


Personally I don’t prejudge but await proof, speculation is seldom worth the time.

I did not, and here we see where it detects latests URLhaus findings and confirm:

https://urlhaus.abuse.ch/url/227916/ http://www.unmaskparasites.com/security-report/
suspicious inline script detected

Then here blacklisted and malware detected: https://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/https/www.uywork.com/wp-content
as Known javascript malware: malware.injection?60.3 Spamhaus blacklisted.

36 detect this: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/0586988c09f3b3047caecd776efc8d21b8285b2fe919c321ee8b4bc593249774/detection
both avast & AVG as FileRepMalware,


I really still don’t see any crossover, e.g. any conflict between business models, e.g. one somehow lessening the results of the other.

I don’t see how your first two links are related to any influence reduction of detection/s by Sucuri as Unmask Parasites detects “suspicious inline script found.” The implication I got from your first post would be that Sucuri would somehow influence what would or wouldn’t be detected by Unmask Parasites.

Plus Unmask Parasites doesn’t go down to that kind of image level (not a web page) to find anything in wp-content/themes/ultra/font-awesome/css it is still flagging a suspicious inline script the page level.

Unmask Parasites even has a 3rd party link to Sucuri.net and it even suggests using Sucuri for a more detailed scan (attached image).

I just don’t see where you are going with this as the VT link isn’t actually proving anything relating to some kind of interference by Sucuri on Unmask Parasites and neither are on VT so there is no direct comparison…