I do not seem to be able to unsubscribe my orders. They will end April 11 but I am not sure it will continue automatically. I find no way to end two subscriptions. I found a help page where it shows a tab ‘unsubscribe’ in the picture but on my own subscription page there is no such tab.
When I try to contact Avast, Request Help from Avast, I fill in all the boxes, it still says something is missing, and the message is not delivered.
All the help pages are in English which I do understand, somehow, but English is not my native language. when I subscribed to these 3 Avast products, al the text is in Finnish. Why is this so difficult? Is it so that people are forced to continue? Not that I am unsatisfied but I don’t need all of these right now.
This is exactly my problem, I cannot do this. I go to that page, fill in the blank, and then:
“Forget something? You’ve left some things blank”
But no, I did not! Only ‘attach files’ is blank but that is optional it says. ‘Optional’ meaning ‘not compulsory’, right?
So my ‘submit request’ is rejected, = it is grey, it does not work.
An additional problem comes that avast does not support my language. all the payment / order pages are in my language but the help pages are in English.
For instance, finding your Avars Order ID (Digital River) is very different from what is my page. I have tried every tilausnumero, kirjanpitonumero but even that did not help to send my ‘submit request’.
Please, I am 69 years old, not feeling very well, and this makes me even more stressed. Even trying to get some sense of the verification letters is a nightmare. Listening them is not much help as they are in English. Is cancelling my credit card the only way to get rid of avast orders (all 3) being automatically renewed?