Unthreat Antivirus scams avast! interface.

Does this look like the avast interface to you? Look at the sub-menus under Real-time monitors.


It’s from Bulgaria… http://www.unthreat.com/about-us

Seems avast already knows:


That thread shows how close it looks to avast…

At least we can vote in WebRep… Let’s red these guys!

For me, their forum says it all…only 1 thread, with over 480 posts by the same person, all spam.

When you use the interface of two of the largest well known anti-virus and claim it as your own, it is hardly going to go unnoticed. I know for sure I wouldn’t be using it if that is an indication of their business practices.

Yes the WebRep is an option, but then again it is only avast users that would see that ;D

Very flattering I would think.

Hehe I found prevention test video for this antivirus ;D
It looks like AVG in here!

Just a seven MB software and have a great performance in RAP test…

I don’t know why they scams avast user Interface…??
Cheap business strategy …

Ans. Avast has the best looking and most user friendly interface. :slight_smile:

thats why i said Cheap business strategy,

I know. It was from your comment that I generated mine. Good catch.

I would say it’s the ideal AV and support forum for an old banned friend of us ;D

( Sorry, I could’t resist :-[ )

Greetz, Red.

Yep. Agree. A playground all to his own.
King of kings there… ;D

Any other underground movement of him? It’s a bit boring here last days ;D ;D

Oh Wow! they have already changed the screen-shot and now are showing that it has better detection than avast!

This is probably not even a real antivirus. Most likely some rogue/fake crap, like “antivirus gold”, spyaxe,etc

It’s real. It uses Sunbelt engine.

I also think so but see this…screenshot its latest RAP test results…

This means nothing if they stolen the interface from avast/AVG.
Will you trust in a company with such policy? I won’t for sure.