Unwanted blocking of websites in FIREFOX

Hi All,

May I ask for some assist please: I am using Firefox version 16.0.2 and for some particular websites I am getting unwanted avast’s messages from tasktray part of taskbar about unsafe website (malware/suspicious usage/etc). Therefore avast block such websites. But for very few websites I would still like to use this website so I need to tell either Firefox or Avast that those particular websites are safe so blocking message won’t occur. Could anyone tell me how to do this because I found via google search only Internet Explorer browser instructions but Im not interested at IE. I also don’t want, before every single time I join the website, temporary disable Avast so hopefully someone could tell what to do to report those websites as safe? Hopefully I am clear enough what kind of error (block) messages am I describing that pops up. Avast is version 7.0.1426

Thank you in advance.

  • You will have to be more specific on the alert, either full text of alert window or attach a screenshot of the alert window.

The avast web and networks shields have a high degree of accuracy, so you shouldn’t just ignore them or disable them, as the most common method of internet infection is from hacked sites.

When posting links to suspect sites please ‘modify’ your post change the URL from http to hXXp or www to wXw, to break the link and avoid accidental exposure to suspect sites, thanks.

DavidR thank you for reply but I think either you have misunderstood my question or I wasn’t understandable enough. I was asking how to ‘‘report’’ specific website address as safe so avast won’t block it anymore and not whether or not should I mark the website as safe once blocking error pops up.
Message is:

“Malicious Website Blocked
Avast Network Shield has blocked malicious-harmful website.
Object: X
Infection: URL:Mal
Process: Y”

X = full url of website (including http://)
Y = full path to the firefox installation browser including '‘C:'’ and, at the end of path, ‘‘firefox.exe’’

The website that I want to report as safe so this blocking message won’t occur anymore, worked fine at the past - error message didn’t occur. But their server probably got crashed and their admins had to do some changes, now its up again and avast reports it as blocked. So need to get rid of that message so i can join website again. Obviously I want to report only specific website(s) where such blocking message shouldn’t occur. For the rest, not reported ones, it still must occur and block the website otherwise avast would lose its sense.

The URL:MAL detections are usually from the Network Shield and there are no user settings in that where you can exclude a site from further alerts. Essentially it has to be investigated, confirmed clean and then removed from the malicious sites list. So each instance has to be investigated (why I asked about a specific URL) and reported.

This can be done using the on-line contact form, http://www.avast.com/contact-form.php?loadStyles for: * Sales inquiries; Technical issues; Website issues; Report false virus alert in file; Report false virus alert on website; Undetected Malware; Press (Media), issues.

  • If you are reporting an FP, then you get another input field open, enter the web URL for the site you wish to submit for review (Network Shield), etc. A link to this topic also wouldn’t hurt.

Avast won’t take a URL as safe as such, the fact that it worked fine in the past is no guarantee it will be safe in the future. I believe that is why there is no user exclusion for the network shield. We find that following the above path of reporting in the forums where users can check it out and confirm, before reporting and giving a forum topic (which contains more information than the report can) in the report generally has a quicker positive response.

I don’t know what instructions you found, but avast would apply equally to all browsers that are supported not just IE.

The url cannot be said to avast contact department for a review because its private. Entire website, which is actually a forum, has NoIndex attibute on search engine rankings and if not invited, cannot join. So I have no idea how did avast people find it out. Anyway, can I manually do anything else rather than temporary disable? Cannot enable/disable so many times per day. Searching for a way to type the URL in trusted site but cannot find any appropriate way.
I went to:

Control panel\internet options\security\trusted sites (icon)\sites (button)

but it doesn’t work for firefox. I didn’t check if its working on IE because even if it was working, since i need firefox solution, it would be no help.
I don’t have any available $ budget to hire freelance programmer to create an addon for this issue so need to find, with your or other’s members help, appropriate solution.

Setting a trusted site in IE or firefox won’t/shouldn’t prevent the network shield from alerting if the site is on its malicious sites list.

So you have to report it as you can’t add a domain or IP to the Network Shield to exclude it from being scanned. A request to visit a link/domain would trigger a DNS request and that would be an area where it is outside of the browser and the network shield checks those too.

So I’m a little surprised by the Control panel\internet options\security\trusted sites (icon)\sites (button) works on IE.

Ok. So if I understand you correctly final answer would be something like:

No, its not possible to prevent such errors about malicious-harmful website that prevent opening websites with determinating ‘‘somewhere’’ (and I have been asking about this location; where) the domain name (url).

Since I cannot afford, from time aspect (slow computer), to disable/enable tens of times per day avast, I have no other option left but to begin bothering administrator of the website what he has done wrong. Not sure if the fault is on his side anyway.

Well, actually I got the answer from you (if my assumption of the answer in this message is correct) but it doesn’t help anyhow. At least I know what to do now. Thank you for your time.

With no user setting to exclude a URL in the Network Shield the only option is to report it (for analysis/correction if a false detection) as I outlined in Reply #3 above. Or disable the network shield (not recommended), that however, is like playing Russian roulette as the network shield is a major defence against hacked and known malicious sites, sooner or later you are going to get hit.