Update caused BSOD.

Ok here goes. My OS is Win8.

I was at the PC verifying some PUP’s had indeed been removed with MWB (a relative did an unwise download) when I saw Avast had a new program version. This is what followed.

Updated via the GUI.
Smart Scan worked.

Quick scan froze
Hard shut down of PC via power button.

Quick scan froze
Blue Screen of Death
Repaired Avast

Quick Scan fine.
Quick scan with PUP ticked froze
Hard shut down of PC via power button

Un-installed Avast
Re-installed Avast
Quick scan with PUP ticked.

I am not happy Avast caused a BSOD and this is not the first time an Avast program update has caused major system issues (back when I was on XP).

I am very happy with Avast as a day to day AV but I cannot tolerate these major disruptions when you update the program.

I think the way forward is to ignore the GUI when prompted to update and proceed to do an un-install and fresh re-install.

If it was me…

  1. Unhook PC from internet
  2. Do a clean uninstall of Avast using Avast Clear: http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility
  3. Uninstall any remnants of old A/Vs: http://www.avast.com/faq.php?article=AVKB11#artTitle
  4. Go to another PC and download these tools and use usb key to put on problem PC…run and post the logs to this thread.
  5. Don’t argue about your Forum name…express yourself somewhere else.

P.S. You may want to have a clear mind when you do all this.

Nothing wrong with this users forum name. :slight_smile:
A clean uninstall of Avast is a two step job.

  1. The normal removal through Programs and Features.
  2. the use of the Avast removal tool.
    Simple steps are in my signature. :slight_smile:

Snip> “Nothing wrong with this users forum name”

Not now Bob however if you notice from my post… the user has seen fit to change it.

kimmy123 is the user having the problem. What’s the matter with that name ???

Nothing, I misunderstood you to mean something else. :slight_smile:

Good point…OP was fine…it was "poster #2…sorry @Kimmy123.
@bob3160…thought OP would know to uninstall Avast from Program Features first but good point.

Assuming that the OP would know that is heading for a possible failure.
When helping someone, one can never assume anything. :slight_smile:

So true…I usually write all the steps out…got lazy this time.
Going to bookmark your link to Clean Un/Re-Install…easy to point to in future and good detail.

Okay the poster in post #2 had a swearword in their name and were taken to task by other users. Nothing to do with me.

I am quite clear the PUP and Avast update issues are separate. It was when I was wanting to verify with Avast that it had gone (after a clear MWB scan) that I noticed it wanted to update the program. Bad timing.

I am as sure as I can be that the PUP are gone. And that it is AVAST causing my current issues.

Back when I was on XP a time or two Avast program updates caused major issues. They have form for this sort of thing as far as I am concerned frankly.

This PC is months old and I have had no other AV on it apart from Avast and Malwarebytes.

All seemed to be working well over the past few days apart from some complete system freezes when using the internet.

So I did a total un-install as per bob’s instructions (thank you) and re-installed again.

When I ticked detect PUP in settings the Quick scan froze almost immediately again.

I then un ticked and Quick scan was successful. Ticked it again and this time Quick Scan worked.

So I don’t know what the heck Avast is doing to my system. For now I have un ticked it and will leave it that way. I have also turned off VPN secureline because I noticed some icons about this in my taskbar which were not present with the last version.

I will be looking for a new AV this is far too much trouble. I am no IT expert and only do the household IT by default not because I want to or enjoy it!

For what it is worth I do my PUP scans in MalwareBytes Pro and leave unchecked in Avast.
I know I’m going to get slammed for this comment but IHMO I think MWB does better job on PUPs anyway.
I’ve run both and in “my experience” MB finds more true PUPs & Avast not only does not get 100% of the ones MB does it also shows ones that are not. I know the “P” in PUP is “probably/potentially” and I think Avast is terrific so not trying to beat them up in any way…just think MB does better job on PUPs.

Also, if you are having system hangs you may want to do some Forum searches on NG and also HTTPS scanning…new features in V10/2015 that “some” people are having system performance and internet issues with.