Update error - cannot choose server

When starting my comp, I get a window saying Avast! can not update, because it can’t choose server to update from. Anybody knows what I can do? Just uninstall/install?

We would love to help you but please give a bit more to work with:

Your current operating system Win95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP or Linux or Mac OS etc.

Your avast version/release number

Any other antivirus software you curently have installled or have recently un-installed

The firewall (if any) you use

The principal browser you use.

While we are asking … do you have any clean-up software like CCleaner or Window Washer that runs at system startup?

Is that the full/exact text of the error ?
If not please include it or post a screen shot of the error.

Does this only happen with the auto updates ?
Or are you able to do a manual iAVS update.