update/gets bumped off

Hello, new user here.
I’m using the home, free version of avast and when I set it up, I opted for manual updates. I have since chosen the ‘ask when updates are available’ option and since I read that if you chose the program update, the virus update (database) is included. Since I have done that, everytime avast gets an update, I am bumped off my internet connection. I connect with cable broadband through a wireless router. I have the connect wait time set to 60 seconds. After I re establish the connection, I can update manually just fine. This only seems to happen if I ONLY select the automatic program update. If I select BOTH the database and program updates (‘ask if update available’), it seems to work OK.

Nothing else is running in the background, but since this has happened, I turned off the auto update for Adobe Reader. I don’t know if that had anything to do with it or not.

Any thoughts?
Thank you.

avast shouldn’t connect or disconnect to Internet. It does not have this feature.
The update method is: avast checks if there is an available connection each 40 seconds. If there isn’t, wait more 40 seconds to check. Checking does not take more than one second and, of course, does not use the Internet band. If there is a connection, check for an update. If there is not any new file to download, wait 4 hours to start checking again. If there is an available update, start it and install it. Again, wait 4 hours to check the next time. Some of this settings could be configurated different, I posted the default values of the avast4.ini file.

The program updates are released but to avoid excessive load on the servers the auto update check happens randomically every 7 days and it’s not checking every time you connect to the Internet as with the iAVS checks. Every avast installation has a unique, randomly generated GUID (“general unique identifier”) associated with it (it is generated during installation). This ID is random, but fixed. They use this value to determine when the updater pops up on YOUR machine, i.e., the program already knows that the update is there, but it won’t tell you until it’s your turn.

So, are you really saying that avast disconnect from Internet your cable broadband.

Thanks for the explaination.

Yes, I would say that after avast checks for an update, I get bumped off.
Example: I boot up the computer, surf the net just fine, then would get the red warning/error in the lower right hand corner of the screen saying avast couldn’t get the update and after that, no internet connection.

I have to say again, if I chose BOTH the iavs AND program auto update or “ask when update is available”, this hasn’t happened. It is only when I seleced JUST the PROGRAM (not shouting :)) auto update or “ask…” that this happened.

I know it sounds wierd, but that’s how it goes, when both iavs and program auto or “ask…” are selected, I’lll the green notification in the lower right and everything is fine.
And, I can always update manually.

ALSO, I hae two computers connected with a router and this happens to both if configured the same way.

Here is the error in the log file:

12/1/2006 10:57:07 PM SYSTEM 200 Function setifaceUpdatePackages() has failed. Return code is 0x20000004, dwRes is 20000004.
12/1/2006 10:57:07 PM SYSTEM 200 An error has occured while attempting to update. Please check the logs.

Also, a newbie question. Since I connect via cable broadband, should my setting for “my computer is permantely connected to the internet” be on or off?
I don’t leave my computer on all day.

Always connected.

jwall, first, check these procedures: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=25243.msg206532#msg206532
Error, 2000000A error means there is another instance of updater running. It seems that the previous instance hanged. Check the log (avast4\setup\setup.log)

Another dumb newbie question, but what specifically am I looking for?

Don’t you know what you’re looking for? ::slight_smile: ;D
Aren’t you trying to get help and troubleshoot avast updating?

What should I look for in the setup log if another instance of update made the avast update hang as you suggested in a previous post?

You won’t ‘solve’ the problem looking at the log. I just post that because, if you want to check, you’ll see a line with 2000000A error and that means another instance of the update is already running. Why? Are you invoking the update twice?
To solve, maybe you have to kill avast.setup process from running (CTRL+ALT+DEL to do so) and start update again.