Hi I have noticed some issues relating manual checking for virus definition updates , the same goes for checking program update manually , I do get the popups message from avast one , which I made a screenshot of and did attach to this topic.
when I opt out of this popup and manually check again , it does work. I did get a new router from my ISP , because the one I had before was outdated…but my internet connection is function properly , so I do not think it is router issue?
thanks for the replies
Both working for me, but that was with Avast Free, not Avast One.
Do you happen to use a VPN ?
I don’t know if the text in the image is relevant as it mentions Sorry your ‘upgrade’ failed (as you highlighted). When I would have thought it should be Sorry your update failed.
That may also be a bit of a poor choice of wording as below that it mentions a failure completing the Setup process, which would result in a failure to Upgrade (that wording again).
yes I do use a vpn ( windscribe ) but I only run this when visiting banking / shopping sites. this problem seems to have started since the upgrade to a new version of avast one. yes the choice of words is a bit confusing to say at least , just like I mentioned before when I get this message and select try again , the update process does work…so it makes me wonder if this could be bug of some kind in the program itself , since you mention it does not happen with the normal avast free version. I also never had these sort of updating problems with avast free…
I only used Windscribe free VPN for a very short time, but during that time I can’t recall having this issue, but then again I’m not using Avast One and my doing manual update checks isn’t something I do frequently.
I never got too familiar with Windscribe, having the Firefox Add-on and the program installed on Win10. I wasn’t aware it was that flexible, thinking it was on-all of the time.
since I did the repair avast one thing suggested by r@vast , after 2 days I got the " sorry the upgrade " failed message again! this cannot be something else than a bug within the program and I for one cencerely hope , that the devellopment team will release a fix soon and starts to investigate these problems : :o :-X
sigh…more problems on the horizon , I wanted to uninstall avast one ( tried bith hibit and geek uninstaller ) and ran them in forced removal , because normal removal failed : the avast uninstal screen got stuck and no further options to uninstall…brute force removal with geek uninstaller " worked " it scanned for all the temp fils / proram folders / hidden folders and reg keys , so removed those. after this i ran voildtools everything and scanned for leftover folders / hidden folders / prefetch files that geek uninstaller missed… search everything stated , that the leftovers could not be removed because all of the files where " still in use / locked by avast " :o : :-X , so I rebooted and avast one was still happely running as normal , forced uninstallation failed missarably >:(. my last was loading a backup with macrium reflect , and I am really frustrated at the moment!!