Is there a way to turn off update notifications? When I am connected to the Internet, it gives me that blue update box that will never disappear until I click on it. Is there a way to keep those pop-ups from coming? Also I wouldn’t mind getting rid of the red “Update Failed” boxes that happen every time I’m not connected to the internet.
Hi ashtonbt1!
Just rightclick on the Avast!-symbol in the tray and choose settings → go to updates in the left column → details → there you have to disable the messages…
EDIT: PS: the update messages should go away automatically after a while…
See image.
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it.
No problem, glad we could help.
Welcome to the forums.
This looks like a good place for my question.
Windows Xp, dial-up.
After an update, I see the Blue Notify Box for around 10 seconds. My choices are to wait until it sinks back out of sight or to click and get further information (I never use this option.) I like getting the Notification so I don’t want to disable it, but sometimes the Notification Box obscures text I’m working on and I’d like to be able to Click and Close. (What, ME wait for a whole ten seconds? Pththbbble… (puts teeth back) Pshaw, sirrah!)
What I’d really like is a standard Windows manual Close box, top right of the Notification Box. Maybe a Right Click - Close option.
Just in case - is there any setting that would let me close the Notification Box manually during that ten second display time?
Misty"Give me patience. RIGHT NOW!"Cat
I don’t think this setting is available.
If it was, I bet it will be here:
You can disable the notification box although…
Thanks for that link. And the “although,” although…
Well the update notification comes in two parts, the visual and the audible element, I don’t know if unchecking the sliding notify box would also disable the audible alert. So I would suggest you try it and see if that is the case.
A good thought, DavidR, but my speakers are normally off. I’m an “iPod while you work” fan.
ashtonbt1’s problem is solved, and I like getting the sliding notify box so I don’t want to disable it, I just want the option to manually close it rather than waiting an interminable ten seconds.
I rarely notice my pop-up, for the following reasons.
a) for the most part my update settings are set to Ask (I’m on dial-up) so I click it, authorising the update and since that isn’t an auto update and it is gone (the same as it would be if you had a close no info option). So no sliding box that you would have to wait for or suffer the update info box (perhaps it would be better to be able to disable the info box pop-up) and no audible alert of update complete.
b) I have a 20.1" TFT which is 1680x1050 so I have plenty of screen real estate and there are times I simply don’t notice it.