I’ve been using avast for several months with good results. All of the sudden I noticed that there is a dramitic increase in the number of updates. It seems like avast is wanting to get at least 10-20 updates in a day. Much more than before.
Also, I noticed that when I initiate the update process Zone Alarm informs me that Windows Explorer wants to access the internet. Are these issues normal?
Please exscuse my ignorance about these matters, but I can tell the difference between ZA and avast. And yes I haven’t counted the exact times but avast seems to want to update at least twice as much.
if you have a permanent connection to Internet: avast check for updates each 4 hours.
if you have a dial-up: avast checks for an Internet connection each 40 seconds, if a connection is detected (you’re on-line) then, it will wait more 4 hours to check for an update again.