UPDATE (AUGUST 18TH): Avast solved the issue and apologized for the inconvenience.
Original message:
This is my website: clopez.pro
I’m sorry if my post is filled with frustration, but I’ve been losing money and potential clients over this (I can prove this).
I had been using Upwork to send proposals as usual (which cost me connects which is basically money) and I’ve noticed an Avast alert just recently. It says my website is a scam.
Why didn’t they contact me first? My email and social media were there. They even have my full name. Also I’d say 90% of my work has been done from scratch, only using some templates or mockups to apply my designs on them.
Please, help me with this issue as soon as possible, this is harming my online profile. I’ve been devoting a lot of my time this past 2 years to have good online presence, having my website online costs me a premium, and the fact that Avast decides to tell a bunch of my clients that I’m a scam all of a sudden feels VERY frustrating, to say the least.
I even think my case would be applicable to monetary compensation.
I want this issue to be solved inmediately, as it shouldn’t be an issue in the first place. Avast hasn’t given me any sort of response or compensation as of right now.
A screenshot of the avast alert could help.
When you get the alert select the Details option, that gives more ‘detailed’ information which could help in investigating.
I’m attaching images of the issue.
I’ll update the files on my website as suggested, and I’ll tell you if that works. I’m sure this has nothing to do (or at least shouldn’t) with the fact my website’s flagged as a scam*.
Would it be possible to know if any third party has flagged my website as a scam? Details on the software don’t suggest it’s a problem regarding the resources my website is using.
EDIT: To Avast, if anyone in their team is reading me:
Also, please help me as soon as possible. In all honesty, I don’t want to annoy or bother you with this issue, but the fact your service is straight-up calling my website (and my person, by default) a scam constitutes online defamation/slander, if nothing else. Please, help me solve this problem soon, as the time you’re telling me it will take to solve this issue (1-2 days) is the time you’ll be actively harming my ability to work normally.
I would suggest that you first look at the code for the page that is being pinged by Avast. That said I have just tried to connect to the domain and that alerts so it isn’t just that page. So I would also look at the points raised in the scans I did relating to your site. Particularly updating the outdated software mentioned by scan at awesometechstack.com
Plus if you haven’t already done it use the link I gave on reporting a possible false positive, that will at least get reviewed. It may not change
First and foremost Avast is trying to look after the millions of Avast users, it doesn’t inform sites that there is an issue, until a query is raised.
Hello! I updated the technologies on my website just as suggested. I even updated the fancy box files, but I’m unsure why the update still isn’t showing on “awesometechstack.com”. If I’m missing anything regarding the files or installation of the framework I’m using, or the individual files of the resources/scripts, I’m willing to further check the files on my website and update them.
As expected, Avast keeps showing my website as a scam.
I’m really sad and frustrated, I just want help and this to be solved soon. I’m unsure of the extent to which Avast has notified people my site is a “scam”, but everyone who I sent job proposals and one client that notified me of this issue may already think that is the case.
I just want to keep sending my portfolio with no issues, I just want to work. I don’t understand why Avast would inadvertently tell people I’m a scammer when I’m willing to prove to whatever extent necessary that I’m not.
Yes. I think it would be a MUCH different case if Avast flagged my website as malware-infected (or even outdated? I believe Chrome or other antivirus software would take notice too). I would have checked the files myself, I would have asked people more knowledgeable than me in coding if they knew how to solve such a problem, and even ask Hostinger for support (which is my hosting provider).
But that’s not the case, Avast is telling people I’m a scammer.
I’m not. I’m a real person, my services are real, I’ve had real clients, my portfolio showcases my real work, and I can show you my credentials and even my ID if necessary.
If the problem is about my site being infected, outdated, or anything it should say THAT instead, not that it’s a scam, plain and simple.
Also, the fact that the connection is cut only aggravates things. If they’re gonna tell people that my site isn’t updated or might be infected, so be it, but why is it called a scam instead? Why is the connection cut?
I hope Avast can help me and give a proper answer.
As I said
If you haven’t already done it use the link I gave on reporting a possible false positive, that will at least get reviewed. It may not change
You should get a response in a day or two.
Avast sent me an email stating that they have fixed the problem.
I checked it and it’s true, my website is no longer marked as a scam site.
In the email, they also apologized for the inconvenience.
Thanks to those who responded to me on this forum, especially for being understanding as the tone of my response may have been somewhat intransigent with the issue.
I understand that the error could have been due to a misunderstanding or a false report, but that no longer matters since it is already clarified and fully solved.
In the same way, I am very grateful to Avast for responding within 24 hours and solving the problem in a short time as well.
Again, thanks to Avast and everyone who responded to me on this forum for their support.