Update to Firefox 57 or Firefox ESR?

"Despite putting out a NoScript version that is without a doubt inferior to the old 5.x branch, Maone does not recommend users to remain on old Firefox versions so that they could use the old NoScript version.

Instead, he recommends that users migrate to Firefox ESR and wait until NoScript 10.x catches up with the old branch.
The security benefits included with Firefox ESR and/or 57 as a whole far outweigh NoScript’s meager protection features,
so users should avoid remaining on Firefox 56 or older just because of NoScript."

Please discuss since 57 is still a big security hole and no one been talking about it
enlighten us old firefox users on what to do next.

For now FF ESR still works for me… Cheers

Ok went ahead and started using ESR version, hope this one keeps going for a good while.

Did NoScript really end support or will it still have updates later?

so much for that crappy FF 57 >:(

Ublock Origin not working with ESR 52.5.3, Help.

For me it’s working fine (see screenshot).


Mine doesn’t even let me go to settings. (cant turn off/on eitheir)

By using FF esr: → Extras → Addons, then choose entry uBO!


It’s there but not blocking a single thing…

uBlock Origin working fine on this XP Pro system with FF ESR version 52.5.3.

You also appear to be short a couple of options also and no stats.

Do you mean opening Dashboard to access the settings ?

Try uninstalling it, restart firefox and reinstall.


Thanks for your help.


You have to reinstall uBlock origin to make it work on this sluggish new Fx.


Did that and continue to have the same issue, wonder if leftovers on profiles folder messed with Ublock
while the other 2 plugins working fine >_<

I unninstalled 56 before installing ESR so i shouldn’t have this issue.

Try this link: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock/releases/tag/1.10.0


Didn’t let install for not being signed

Never mind, it was the Request Policy plugin so installed the latest beta version instead.

NoScript V5 still gets updates.

Btw Firefox Quantum is horrible in design and security only got worse so im wondering how people still use it.