Update to v5

I currently have v4.8 pro and was wondering can I update to v5 pro or do I have to purchase a new license?

You can just update, your 4.8 licence will work just fine in v5.0

It says it is up to date. Not sure if I can just install v5 over v4.8 and my license will work, that is why I posted, :).

Doh misread sorry, thanks. I will give it a try, thanks again.

Nope v5 will not install, staying with v4.8.

Why won’t it install, what errors are you getting ?

How are you trying to install it ?

Got it to install finally, but with my Comodo Internet Security running web pages in Firefox will not load even after giving permission. Shutdown Comodo and all runs very well. Should be ok I have a Linksys Router inline.

Does Comodo Firewall allow avastSvc.exe internet access ?

  • If it does delete the entry for it and reconnect to the internet, this should force the firewall to ask permission again.

Ensure that you aren’t running the CIS anti-virus as that will conflict with avast, you can uninstall just the AV element of CIS from add remove programs by all accounts.

That seems to have made it all better, thanks All, take care.
Stamp this one complete Boss.

You’re welcome.