Having used the avast for mac demo successfully for a couple of days, i found that it could not access updates this morning. Thinking it might have expired, I purchased a one year licence, but still no updates. I have restarted the computer, re-launched avast and agent - still no luck. Any suggestions?
Hallo, this is strange - when firing update manually (the big button “Check Update”), is it still not available?
What the upgate does is accessing http://files.avast.com/files/latest/mac/400.vps
Please, try whether the URL is accessible or not.
I had the same error message when I tied to update through a proxy server, which is properly described in Network Preference Pane. But I could update successfully without a proxy server via the different network. I’m afraid Avast for Mac cannot use the proxy server information in Network Preference Pane properly.
I have that issue, too and reported it a time ago…
Anyhow,I could circumvent that by createing a firewall rule that allows to have direct access to http: (TCP Port 80) and maybe https (TCP Port 443) for download.ff.avast.com.
I hope that helps for now and much more I hope that proxy servers are supported within one of the next betas
why doesn’t your DNS request contain 8 round-robin-rotated records, for download.ff.avast.com? Try repeatedly in terminal window “nslookup download.ff.avast.com” or “host download.ff.avast.com” - there must be at least few different IP addresses, typically 8, changed every time you do the command. Is this right? And does the update still do the buggy behavior?
the problem was fixed, the DNS record, pointing to (dead server) was removed, so the primary cause doesn’t exist anymore, but it’s a question why 1) didn’t help you.
Thanks for that bug, and anny feedback would be appreciated,
In Avast 7.0 (37781), update through proxy server is still not working on my iMac (late 2006, OS 10.7.5 (11G63)). Proxy is configured for http, https, ftp, rtsp, and gopher but not for socks in our company.
Error log is essentially the same as above described.
Is there any way to edit the proxy server setting directly, to download virus definition directly, or to copy virus definition files from other machines.
in the fact, we support proxy though the environment variable “http_proxy”. Unfortunatelty, MacOS doesn’t propagate system preferences’s state there, so it’s up on the user.
More info here: http://fuzzy76.net/147/mac-os-x-tips/
Thank you, zilog for the information. Unfortunately it didn’t help me. I created ~/profile as described in http://fuzzy76.net/147/mac-os-x-tips/, and then edit sudoers. In terminal bash said “etc/http_proxy; there is no such files or directory”.
Then I tried another way.
I edit ~/.profile as
“export http_proxy=http://server name:8080
export HTTP_PROXY=http://server name:8080”
In terminal, command “echo $http_proxy” returns “server name:8080”, so environment variable “http_proxy” seemed to be set correctly. But Avast show the same error log as before.
Is there anything else to do?
You must propagate this to the launchd-launched parts as well. ~/.profile affects only things that are started upon your login.
So, the proper place where to put this is probably system-wide launchd.conf - more info here: http://serverfault.com/questions/16355/how-to-set-global-path-on-os-x