Updates of the bases, manual (little question :==)

Folks, tell me please, if there is any way to update the bases with having no INet @home and an outdated program installed?
Is this enough to launch the file “with the most last update”, as on the site it’s said?
And, if this is not sufficient, where could I get a cumulative bases pack, like KAV releases out?

Thanx forward.

avast! VPS Update - Manual Download this is the cumulative VPS file, it is an exe file, save it to a CD and transfer it to the HDD of you home system and then run it that will give you the latest full VPS signatures.

Thanx, at last! Here I got you.
I thought that it could be that one, but there wasn’t any word to tell me that’s a cumulative update.
Thanks again. Ask if need anything.

No problem, welcome to the forums.

Reslayer, just to confirm, that file is ALWAYS cumulative and will bring ANY virus database version to the latest one :wink:

You mean outdated avast version?
Get the newest from here: http://www.avast.com/eng/download-avast-home.html