
Today’s morning as soon i come to work and begin to view logs. See, that yesterday was 1 update - 30.1.2007 - 0709-0. But on this page http://www.avast.com/eng/vps_history.html i see, that there was another 30.1.2007 - 0708-2 update. And i have a question: siganture, that included in 30.1.2007 - 0708-2, present in 30.1.2007 - 0709-0? Or in that situation program keep signatures from 30.1.2007 - 0708-2? And why my system don’t daownload those update?

0709-0 is definitely NEWER than 0708-2 (the number is higher) so you don’t have to worry. Most likely, our webserver didn’t get updated as quickly as the update.

Interest fact! ;D Why you don’t make updates on holiday or make it so seldom?

  1. we do make updates on holidays if its useful, i.e. there’s some kind of outbreak situation.
  2. seldom? I wouldn’t call it seldom… It’s roughly once a day Monday to Friday.