Updating 3 out of date apps that is reported to me from avast cleanup.

There are 3 apps that avast cleanup premium keep wanting me to update.
I hit the update button on these three but it does not go through or updates them:

  1. Adobe Reader version 19.012.20036 New one: 19.012.20040
    2.Dropbox version New one: 81.4.195
    3.Flash Player Plugin version New one

What can I do to get my Avast protected computer to update these apps???

I just had 2 updates, 1 Flash Player plug-in and a Thunderbird update.

I updated them one at a time and that worked just fine, this is on the latest avast free version 19.8.2393 (build 19.8.4739.541) UI-1.0.415 on my win10 1903 system.

You don’t say what avast version/build number you are using or on what OE version.