I installed Avast secure browser on to my desktop version 65.0.411.162 from stand alone installer.
I had already had Avast secure browser installed on my laptop version 64.0.388.186, so thought I would update to latest version with built in updater. But was informed that it was already up to date.
So I uninstalled Avast Secure Browser.
Used stand alone installer to install latest version onto my laptop.
Here’s the reply from the Developers: "We still have this switched off whilst we finish our testing of the update process. Once complete we’ll enable this for all users so everyone will receive the latest version automatically"
I tried that earlier on the desktop, had no update. Must have tried before latest release.
When i installed it on my laptop must have been just released.
Still have to update via downloading standalone version. From v.65 to v. 66
Processing the “About” option to update “Still” doesn’t function.
IMO very slow at something simple. :-\
How do you check for the latest version.
I download the stand alone installer, then right click open properties and check File version to see if it has been updated.