updating avast secure browser

I installed Avast secure browser on to my desktop version 65.0.411.162 from stand alone installer.

I had already had Avast secure browser installed on my laptop version 64.0.388.186, so thought I would update to latest version with built in updater. But was informed that it was already up to date.

So I uninstalled Avast Secure Browser.
Used stand alone installer to install latest version onto my laptop.

build in updater is not working…

I also updated with stand alone installer.
Unfortunate the Browser update module isn’t functioning :-\

Same here. I’ve reported this to the developers.

Here’s the reply from the Developers:
"We still have this switched off whilst we finish our testing of the update process.
Once complete we’ll enable this for all users so everyone will receive the latest version automatically"

Thanks for that

Thanks :slight_smile:

You’re welcome. I’m as anxious as everyone else to see this happening. :slight_smile:

I reinstalled windows 10, on my laptop.

Installed Avast secure Browser version 65.0.411.162

But on my desktop I have version 65.0.411.162 out of date.
Is there a way to check for latest version, inbuilt updater still says up to date.


My mistake I should have put version 65.2.491.181.

What is the easiest way to check for latest version.


I tried that earlier on the desktop, had no update. Must have tried before latest release.
When i installed it on my laptop must have been just released.

Will try again latter when I boot up my desktop.

Thanks for your assistance bod3160 :slight_smile:

As far as I know, the update function isn’t yet available.

Thanks bob3160 You are correct :slight_smile:

I downloaded version 65.2.491.181. and installed over the top.

Would be nice if avast opened a thread when Avast Secure Browser is updated.
There used to be a topic where avast posted updates and changes.

At the moment I do not have a clue if avast has updated their browser or not. So hope they hurry up and get the built in updater to work.

I’m raising the question in the Developers Channel again.
No guarantees. :slight_smile:

Thanks once again bob3160 :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Still have to update via downloading standalone version. From v.65 to v. 66
Processing the “About” option to update “Still” doesn’t function.
IMO very slow at something simple. :-\

I also think they are slow updating.

How do you check for the latest version.
I download the stand alone installer, then right click open properties and check File version to see if it has been updated. :frowning:

You need to check it in the Browser Settings - Help and About
