Yesterday evening (it’s 9AM in NLD now) I updated the Avast software via the in-app update function, which mentioned there would be a new version. My HTC Desire has a pre-rooted stock ROM, but the NAND option did not work so I used the option.
After applying this update, my phone will not boot anymore and will restart itself time after time. The first white-green HTC screen appears, but before the next one can appear (with the black text on it) the phone reboots already.
So… basically my phone is useless at the moment and I urgently need your help…
Ok, something going wrong with mounting for update, based on the contents of recovery.log:
-- Install from sdcard...
I:Set boot command "boot-recovery"
Finding update package...
I:Update location:
Opening update package...
I:Update file path: /sdcard/
Installing update...
I:Trying update-binary.
Avast! Anti-Theft Edify Update Scriptabout to run program [/sbin/mount] with 3 args
mount: mounting /dev/block/mtdblock3 on /system failed: Device or resource busy
run_program: child exited with status 255
about to run program [/sbin/busybox] with 4 args
mount: mounting /dev/block/mtdblock3 on /system failed: Device or resource busy
run_program: child exited with status 255
Performing Update…
Mounting mount points…
about to run program [/sbin/umount] with 2 args
Unmounting mount points…
about to run program [/sbin/busybox] with 3 args
umount: can’t umount /system: Invalid argument
run_program: child exited with status 1
script result was [Update Complete.]
minzip: Extracted file “/system/app/”
Update Complete.
Install from sdcard complete.
I:Set boot command “”
I updated the Avast software via the in-app update function, which mentioned there would be a new version. As my Desire is only rooted and not ‘S-Off’, the NAND option did not work so I used the option and flashing this via recovery, as suggested by the program.
After applying this update, my phone did not boot anymore and was restarting itself time after time. The first white-green HTC screen appeared, but before the next one could appear (with the black HTC text on it) the phone rebooted already.
hi did you solve your problem?
we’ll have to look into the “device or resource busy” thing - i’ve heard of such error messages from time to time. however it should not cause any reboot loop. can you get us some log?
I resolved the problem by flashing the ROM completely new again, so basically lost everything.
My suggestion would be that the reboot loop was caused by an error during flashing the, likely because of the errors I showed in my recovery.log in the 3rd post of this thread. That’s actually all the logging I have…
May be there are more update files on SD card (because some ROMs are using this method as well) and bootloader will automatically choose the new one; did you select the file for update manually?
So basically you learned the hard way what anyone who roots their device should know before hand, Android 101, MAKE A NANDROID! Blaming this or any app is entirely irresponsible and weak. Also, I would wager that the update zip was compromised in some way. This happens with files all the time on many different devices. Had you made a nandroid prior to making any changes to your device, you would not have had an issue at all. I would strongly recommend that you always have at least on good, current nandroid on hand, backed up on your desktop or other external drive.
hi i have now improved the scripts so that they cancel the installation procedure on mount errors. This will NOT apply to UPDATE.ZIPs generated by current public version, but will apply to future updates once released.
I chose it manually; besides that I’m 100% sure there was no other on the SD-card
Not helping in resolving the main issue, namely a corrupt If you’re not trying to resolve the main issue, then just refrain from replying in topics. Thanks.
Thanks for resolving this, this might help users in future to prevent similar issues.
By the way, installing on the clean ROM again (with a backup, Justs) went by without any problem. Thanks for helping at least!