I hope you are well. Version has now been released and so far this new version has great reviews. This version is 2 years advance from the previous version 7 and is working properly as it should. Some major fixes from version 7 to version 8 include:
Main new features (+fixes)
- FW: packet rules should be now properly configurable from Console
- Remote Virus chest: delete,restore etc. features should now work correctly
- Exclusions: limit of exclusions has been increased - 1116 characters in one line - 3348 characters in total
- Mirror proxy: settings have been added to the console (Update proxy section) – from now customer does not need to set proxy for mirror manually under mirror.ini file.
- Custom.ini: multiple settings/properties can be changed at once
- Sound settings: now available in the computer catalog settings
- Popups: popups are now configurable via console
- Global exclusions: popups are now configurable via console
Client side changes
- Remote assistance features is now available!
- Sandbox/Autosanbox modification: mostly on the server side
- MS Outlook mail add-in has been completely changed
New supported platforms/products
- Win8 and Win 2012
- MS Exchange 2013
- MS Sharepoint 2013
So, HOW to UPDATE from version 7 to version 8.
Enterprise Administration Update AEA Consoles version 8.0.355
- To update the console there are 2 options
A. Update from Control Panel and go to add / remove programs. Then click updates, next and you should start to see your console update to version 8.309
B. Download the set up file from the link below, the set up file will install over the current EA.
http://www.avast.com/en-us/download-trial-business?product=eun#tab3 ( Be sure to choose EPS as the product)
After the console has updated, make sure the mirror now shows the correct version and then you can update the clients with an update program task and all new installations will now be version 8 clients.
Please REBOOT after upgrade
If you have any issues contact edu@avast.com
Small Office Administration Update SOA Consoles version 1.3.2
- It can only be updated by running the set up file found in the link below.
http://www.avast.com/en-us/download-trial-business?product=eun#tab3 ( Be sure to choose EPS as the product)
- If your clients haven’t already updated then push an update task only after making sure the mirror is also up to date.
If you have any problems during the update please contact us.
Kind Regards and Happy July 4th