
When I update ADNM from the control panel, does this update the client as well, or do you need to re-deploy the package or manually update the clients?

Throught Control panel is updated only ADNM Console or AMS, to update clients to the newest version of NetClient, you need to create and run ‘Program Update’ task from ‘Tasks → Client-side tasks → Updating tasks’ in ADNM console.

Ah, thank you. I read the manual (that’s a first) and I didn’t see this covered anywhere. Actually this is the first manual I read from cover to cover and I seem to have more questions about this product than any other. ::slight_smile:


I think it’s more or less evident from chapter 8.4 AMS/Console Updates in the ADNM Administrar’s Guide (especially the last sentence in that sentence).


Well look. Its right there. See, that what I get for reading the manual. I thought I knew it all. I typically would have pulled the manual out and looked, but since I “read” this one, I didn’t think I needed to.

Sorry about that. I’ll keep the manual at hand now.
