URGENT! Avast Blocked my website "www.online-storehouse.com" WHY ?

Hi there,

Please tell me what is wrong with the product (online service) of my company that you have blocked:


I can not any problem with it see below:

I am loosing a lot of money so PLEASE go with this issue as SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!

waiting for your feedback,

this may be the reason … seems there are more then one URL on that IP, and some are blacklisted

IP adress history https://www.virustotal.com/nb/ip-address/

Not a problem?
Look again at the sitecheck result: Unable to properly scan your site.


Certificates are OK: https://www.sslcertificaten.nl/SSLCheck/www.online-storehouse.com
See: http://www.dnsinspect.com/online-storehouse.com/1415659833
500 Invalid SSL Response avast web rep flags site as unsafe
avast flags because it finds an external link to ocsp.comodoca4 dot com blacklisted by comodo itself: https://isc.sans.edu/diary/ocsp.comodoca.com+blacklisted+(by+comodo+itself)/13606


So is there something you can suggest me to do?

Based on your last reply it seems that there is no problem with SSL certificate too.
But anyway, could it be the reason for Avast to block my website if there will be any problem with SSL Certificate ?
What may be the problem (at least I think this way) the problem was with the domain name service provider (DNS provider) it was the freedns.afraid.org by now I have changed it to the Amazon Route 53.
As I can see the problem is with domain name (DNS entry) not the IP as I’m able to open the page with direct ip but can’t access it with the domain name.

So yet another question is what is the frequency of avast review of the blacklisted domain names and/or IP addresses ?

thanks for changing afraid.org as DNS provider. Domain will be unblocked in next stream update (in 10 minutes).
