Hello! in utime avast scans detected two files offline the first in C \ windows \ system32 \ autorun.i and second in c \ windows \ system32 \ autorun.in.I would whether to know are viruses and what action should be taken. Thanks!
Personally I would delete them, as no autorun file should be located under System32. (unless you put them there)
It shouldnt stop you system from working, as they are not standard windows files in that location.
I hope this helps.
It’s always advisable to put the files in Chest (Quarantine) and not directly deleting them.
Although, in this case, files seems really strange and infected.
Ok! But the problem is not with any particular action to be performed with Avast! You can not move it to quarantine because Avast says that the file is offline. Suggestions?
Try a boot time scanning…
Well after avast scan it not detected at boot nada.A only temporary solution I had was to put the files in quarantine autorun.ie autorun.in an antivirus concorrente.Se you have any suggestion …
Are you using more than one antivirus program at the same time? ???
After those two accused Avast FILES that could not be scanned because they were offline I downloaded another antivirus to test to see if it also detects. Unfortunately he does not recognize, I have tried the two files in Avast’s quarantine but I do not know if it put them in someone can help me I thank you!
and indeed I have always had two antivirus on my computer and a paid when paid a gratis.Mas also not detected these two files as a threat or offline or virus or anything