urgent - please stop sms from anti-theft


my mother has been recieving sms for the last 2 days from avast anti-theft. for the moment more than 90

I already install, and unistall several times anti-theft.
made it recognize the new and old sim cards
turned on and off either the phone ant the anti-theft security…

and don’t know what else can I do…

Is it possible to delete in full my account, do a full reset… anything? it has to stop somehow

thank you

solved… by me…

Nevertheless, the avast account still doesn’t work well and doesn’t communicate with the device, but truthfully, I don’t care any longer.

Terrible avast support. After 3 days not a single reply from the avast team either on the forum or to the support request i left!!!

And we are talking of mobile devices, and possible sms costs involved (115sms in 24hours!!!)

No more avast to me