A scan failed and outdated server software: https://sitecheck.sucuri.net/results/in.tubecorporate.com
I get a non found
You should take that up with your hoster in Amsterdam - Serverel
Also found this: -https://cureyoursystem.com/how-to-remove-tubecorporate-com-redirect/
Privacy issues: website has Twitter- & Linkedin ViewBox code.
Site Issue Detected
-http://tubecorporate.com/404javascript.js Page has a redirect loop.
DOM-XSS issues as well: Results from scanning URL: -http://tubecorporate.com/home/js/app.js?id=874858af5fc56134dcb4
Number of sources found: 58 (inner.HTML - cookie.split etc.)
Number of sinks found: 21 (value=advertiser) etc.
The only one that flagged, now gives it as clean: URL: -http://in.tubecorporate.com
Server response code and content type: 404, text/plain; charset=utf-8
Elapsed time: 708.12ms
Dr.Web not recommended websites database: Clean
Hi, thanks for your reply.
We’ll be checking with Serverel, and as to “tubecorporate removal” - we’re a traffic monetization network, not an adware/malware developer; we don’t allow usage of malware/adware for sending traffic to our links but we can’t prevent fraudulent publishers from trying or delete their software with links to our network - we only can block their accounts after we discover the issue.