I keep being alerted that a threat has been secured, and the conenction to wxw.yts.vc have been aborted.
This pop up notification happens various times a day.
I do not try to visit that website.
Please modify the active/suspect links in your post to avoid accidental exposure, replace https and or www with hxxps or wxw as I have in your quoted text above.
Clear browser cache - Were you intending to visit the site ?
If not start by clearing your browser cache and cookies,including 3rd party cookies and restart your browser.
If that resolves it you should be good to go.
If it doesn’t try running your browser with add-ons disabled.
If that resolves it, have you added or updated any add-ons ?
If so try disabling that add-on - and restart and try again.
No, I did not try to visit the website. Might have once many months ago.
I have cleared my the entire browing data (except passwords), rebooted my PC but I keep getting that exact same notifications from Avast.
I am only using 1 browser extension from a well established add-blocker. Anyway, I disabled it and issue keeps happening
I ran a full Avas Virus Scan but nothing was found
I also ran a scan with Malwarebytes but nothing either. Interresingly enough, it did blocked this AM a website due to phising, from Firefox this time.
And again, from a website I have never tried to visit.
So wondering if I don’t have some sort of malware installed on my PC trying to reach some websites without my consent
I doubt that is a virus as such.
Do you have any common add-ons across your browsers where this is happening ?
Did you follow all of the steps I gave especially about running with add-ons disabled
If not start by clearing your browser cache and cookies,including 3rd party cookies and restart your browser.
If that resolves it you should be good to go.
[b]If it doesn't try running your browser with add-ons disabled.[/b]
This outgoing link is not being mentioned on the Quttera scan,
which gives us 18 outgoing re-directions and urlscan.io even produces 19 outgoing redirects…
1 Outgoing links
These are links going to different origins than the main page.