USB scan

I’ve disabled ‘Autoplay’ on my windows xp machine and enabled ’ scan while attaching’ in ‘file system shield’ wizard.
This post says avast doesn’t scan until I open it.

But is there any way that avast automatically starts scanning my usb disk when inserted?
or at least ask me what to do? like other popular anti-virus program does.

Please reply cause I’m now working in an unsafe public environment and I have to store those files in my laptop.

Your help will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Tech said pretty much all that have to be said. I am not aware of any settings in Avast! to do what you asking for. Sorry.

USBVirusScan will launch any program you provide as a command line parameter each time a USB stick is inserted. I use it to start a full virus scan on the inserted USB drive:

The command-line that worked for me is:
“\USBVirusScan.exe” -c -i “\ashQuick.exe” x:

Where you need to change the for the both correct ones and the x: for the letter of your USB drive.