Used AVAST uninstall utility in Safe Mode now programs are missing

I’m not a happy camper. I wanted to remove the license from my old Windows XP desktop computer. I downloaded the AVAST removal utility and when I ran it, it told me to run it in safe mode, sooooooooooo since it’s Avast software, I figure AVAST knows best how to run their software…NOT. It has eaten so many programs on my computer and I’m still finding more things that are missing. But the most important two is the “search function”, I can’t search for anything on my computer. But even more important is apparently my System Restore program was also gobbled up. I tried to run it manually through the “run” feature but it doesn’t exist. Now if there may be any of my restore points still hidden out there on my computer, they do me no good if I don’t have the program to run them. Frustrating to say the least. Any ideas of what to do rather than throw the dang computer off a mountain top? I do have the original repair disk, but then I’m most likely going to lose programs that I’ve loaded since this old computer was first booted up in 2010 and some are irreplaceable and others I would have to buy the program again.

Use this to back up your system before you make any changes:

If you’re looking for a nice search program I suggest you try ‘Everything’. It’s free.