User Manual


Is there a user manual in the works? The manual for 4.8 was great for reading to figure out all the ins and outs of the program. This would be for the free version.


Have you not looked at the avast Help Center link in the avastUI, that accesses the avast help file which is quite comprehensive ?

Download the pdf file - Avast! Free antivirus Quick Start Guide

Sorry but it may be more “comprehensive” than the “Getting Started Guide”, but stills falls far short from being a substitute for a good User Manual.

Appropriately named–as only provides just enough documentation for one to “Getting Started” on using the basics of avast!.

Case in point, there’s not enough info provided avast! AIS features, AIS Getting Started, and the AIS Help combined that provides any real in depth detail documentation on using all of the Firewall options/settings; or to make a one-to-one comparison of the AIS Firewall features/options with another firewall’s features/options.

I can’t recall when I last referred to a user manual, especially for avast 4.x or 5.0 for the most part it has been checking it to post info on the forums.

The OP is asking about the free version and that is the info that I gave him which I feel is adequate for most needs. The case for the AIS is somewhat different.

Can you imagine a User Manual in all the languages that avast! offers?

What a massive accomplishment.

Would not have to do for all the languages … at least for the languages in relation to the paid users. I do not expect any vendor to provide detailed documentation/support for a free product.

With the various tools available for documents in a digital format should be considerably easier to convert a User Manual to different languages than translating the program to multiple languages – if needed avast! could request help to translate the User Manual along with the program; i.e.,

Would assume that as to common shared features between Free, Pro and AIS the GUI would be the same – hence could create a single User Manual and note the features that are only available in Pro and/or AIS. May actually increase the incentive for Free users to purchase Pro or AIS when they can actually see all the additional features/options of Pro and AIS. :wink: